Monday, December 6, 2010

WARNING: Illegal aliens are beating us all in DC today

Friends of ALIPAC,

We have some terrible news to report. According to our friends at NumbersUSA, the illegal aliens and their supporters are beating us with more calls arriving in support of Amnesty than opposed to Amnesty with your lawmakers.

They are even forming new phone banks in expectation of the first votes for Dream Act Amnesty now scheduled for WEDNESDAY Dec. 8!

While several scientific polls show we Americans oppose Dream Act Amnesty 59% to 22%, the well planned and well financed efforts of the Open Borders Lobby are winning in DC.

To turn thing around we need you to: A. Mobilize and respond to our requests for help. B. Mobilize and organize others around our requests for help. (Be the media!) C. Combine your time and funds to help us get more lawmakers and media sources opposing Dream Amnesty ASAP!

Step 1: Please vote in this online poll at CBS where the illegals are winning at the time of this email
Vote NO on Amnesty

Step 2: Please call the 73 targeted offices in the US Congress that are coded YES or UNKNOWN on Dream Act Amnesty. Do your best to get a NO out of these offices. Please report any new YES or NO on Amnesty reports to us so we can adjust our tracking list. Please craft your own message.

Yes, I will not let the illegals win against Americans in DC and I am on the phones now at this link....

Let's flood those 73 Democratic offices in Congress with calls and emails fast and furious today (Monday)! Let's grow our "No On Amnesty" list quickly!


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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622

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