Thursday, December 2, 2010

Democrat Leaders Fall Back Slightly On Amnesty Schedule

Friends of ALIPAC,

Thank you for all of your calls, emails, and hard work!

Reid and Pelosi are falling back slightly. Reid has pushed back his plans for a vote on Dream Amnesty till next week because all 42 Republicans in the US Senate have signed a letter telling him they will not negotiate on other items until he caves in on tax breaks for wealthy Americans.

Pelosi had planned on voting for Dream Act today but she is also falling back on her time-line.

The latest word is that they will vote on the Dream Act Amnesty in the US House tomorrow, Friday, perhaps as early as 10am EST!

It bodes well for our cause that the Democratic leaders are falling back. It is taking us longer than ever to build up wide momentum with the American public because many key media outlets are not focused on warning Americans about this effort to pass a mass amnesty!

With a lot of legwork we are breaking through the information road blocks and the disinformation campaigns.

Please take the following steps:

1. Continue calling the targets we sent you earlier today and fill their voice mail systems with the sample messages we gave you. Congressional staffers will tally your calls in the morning.

2. Please be ready early Friday morning for new targets, messages, and strategies. We intend to put out new information for you around 8am EST, that is 5am for you fine folks on the left coast. So set your alarms to be up early. If you can clear you work schedule in the morning, please do so.

We are going to need you ready to hit certain offices like a ton of political bricks early tomorrow morning.

Remember that each day that goes by, the chances that Dream Act Amnesty will pass falls. Amnesty pushers falling back on their schedule has been a sign of success for us in past Amnesty battles.

See you all bright and early Friday.

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

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