Thursday, December 16, 2010

Senate to Vote on DREAM Act Saturday! Call Your Senators NOW and Tell Them to Vote NO

Federation for American Immigration Reform

Senate to Vote on DREAM Act Saturday!
Call Your Senators NOW and Tell Them to Vote NO

Senator Reid Thursday evening filed cloture on the House version of the DREAM Act (H.R.5281) and immediately announced that he would bring the bill up for a vote Saturday--most likely Saturday morning. If the Senate passes the DREAM Act, it will go straight to the President’s desk and become law. We therefore have about 36 hours to make sure all 100 Senators know that the American people overwhelmingly reject the DREAM Act!

Call your Senators NOW and tell them you want them to vote NO on the DREAM Act!

The DREAM Act has been one of the key items in the special-interest agenda Democratic Leadership has been desperately trying to pass in the waning days of the 111th Congress. We need you to tell the United States Senate that Americans will no longer tolerate special interest legislation like the DREAM Act--legislation designed to unfairly benefit one group, while ignoring the interests of the American people as a whole.

Keep calling your Senators until you get through!

Even though the holidays are approaching quickly, we need all of our members, activists and friends to summon up one more bit of energy and call their Senators. If you can’t get through to the Washington, D.C. office, try calling your local office. Remember, if you do not call your Senators, the only people influencing their votes will be the special interests hovering over Capitol Hill at this very moment. Don’t forget: if the Senate passes the DREAM Act, it will go straight to the President’s desk and become law!

When you call your Senators, tell them:

  • Congress should be using its time and energy in the lame-duck session to help American workers, not illegal aliens;
  • American students should not have to compete with illegal aliens for limited federal dollars and declining slots at colleges and universities;
  • It is unfair that hard-working American taxpayers are forced to subsidize the education of illegal aliens; and
  • Granting amnesty to lawbreakers does nothing to stop illegal immigration and will only encourage more.

To find the phone numbers of your Senators, click here. Stay tuned for more information as the action unfolds on Capitol Hill.

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FAIR is a non-partisan, non-discriminatory non-profit organization dedicated to securing our borders, ending illegal immigration and promoting immigration levels consistent with the national interest. FAIR relies solely on the tax-deductible contributions of citizens and philanthropic foundations.


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