Friday, May 31, 2019

Survey: Do you support or oppose these Trump admin immigration policies?

(Reply to this email with your answers to 6 survey questions about the Trump administration)

Vote on our survey then share & discuss at (ALIPAC HERE) .. (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE)

Friends of ALIPAC, we are making rapid progress on our funds drive, but we still need to raise about $2,000 more by Monday morning to be on track for next week's Protest Against Illegal Immigration at the White House and our efforts to stop the new Amnesty bills in Congress. Please take a moment to complete the survey below and contribute to help us at...

We know you want us to fight to stop Amnesty legislation in DC for the 11th time since 2004, but we need to know how ALIPAC supporters feel about these Presidential issues....

Survey (Please reply to this email with your answers or send to

1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you support President Donald J Trump right now? (1-10)?

2. Do you want ALIPAC fighting against this presidential policy? YES/NO

DHS Flying Illegal Aliens to U.S. Cities, Releasing Them into Communities

3. Do you want ALIPAC fighting against this presidential policy? YES/NO


4. Do you want ALIPAC fighting against this presidential policy? YES/NO

DHS Fast-Tracks Migrants Straight into Jobs

5. Do you want ALIPAC fighting against this presidential policy? YES/NO
100% of illegal immigrant families released into US by Pres Donald J Trump

6. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much pressure do you want ALIPAC to put on the White House to stop these policies that favor, encourage, and facilitate illegal immigration? (1-10)?

ALIPAC is doing all we can to stop the unprecedented historic surge of illegal aliens over our borders, which is higher than ever before under President Trump. More Americans are losing elections, jobs, loved ones, and their own lives than ever before in 2019.

Sen Lindsey Graham and Democrat White House Sr Advisor to Trump Jared Kushner plan to get the Amnesty bills into law. We need your help to stop them.

We need your support to fight back as best we can with the truth. Please help our efforts at...


Copyright © 2019 Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you indicated concerns about illegal immigration in America and opted in through our websites, Impeach Obama,,, or

Our mailing address is:
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
PO Box 30966
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966

Add us to your address book

Thank you for standing with ALIPAC against illegal immigration and illegal immigrants that are costing Americans our jobs, taxpayer resources, communities, elections, and very lives!

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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Speakers & attendees needed for June 8 DC Protest Against Illegal Immigration

Speakers & attendees sought for June 8 DC Protest Against Illegal Immigration

For National Release | May 28, 2019

Plan to attend & support this event then spread the word by email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE)

With illegal immigration into America now at a historic high and Presidential catch and release policies releasing 100% of illegal families into US communities, American activists are converging on the White House in DC to demonstrate against illegal immigration and Amnesty on June 8!

This event is called the Stand Up America and Stop Illegal Immigration Rally and is expected to be a small but impactful event.

Raymond Herrera, California activist and leader of We The People, America, has secured a permit to demonstrate in the southwest corner of Lafayette Park directly across from the White House on June 8, 2019, from 11 am to 4 pm.

Ray is an activist in the anti-illegal immigration movement well known for his successful efforts to stop DHS buses full of illegals in the Murietta Blockade July 1, 2014, (Video) in Murietta, CA. (CNN Coverage)

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC activists are joining and supporting the effort and are issuing a call for more activists and group leaders who share the organization's peaceful and racially inclusive principles while opposing Amnesty and illegal immigration to join the June 8 event.

The current speaker list for the event includes, but is not limited to:

Raymond Herrera and Wes Parker of We The People, America

William Gheen of ALIPAC

Ivan Garcia-Hidalgo of the Hispanic Leadership Council

Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers

Angel Family member Jeanne Reid, whose brother was killed by an illegal alien.

Organizers are currently reaching out to other leaders who oppose Amnesty and illegal immigration to invite them to speak at this event, while at the same time encouraging American activists to converge on DC to hold signs and send a clear message to the White House and Congress.

Leaders and activists interested in speaking at the White House on June 8 should contact William Gheen of ALIPAC or Ray Herrera of We The People, America.

Topics that will be addressed at this rally include the historic surge of illegals into America, opposition to DACA Amnesty, opposition to new Amnesty bills in Congress such as HR 6, opposition to the new Amnesty law and legal immigration increases Trump signed into law on February 15 in H.J.Res. 31, opposition to Presidential catch and release policies, opposition to welfare and voting rights for illegals, and much more.

Organizers are also in search of more activist videographers and are encouraging all attendees to bring appropriate American flags, signs, and cameras to document the event. This event may be available via live stream on the web on June 8.

For more information about the Stand Up America and Stop Illegal Immigration rally on June 8, please visit


Copyright © 2019 Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you indicated concerns about illegal immigration in America and opted in through our websites, Impeach Obama,,, or

Our mailing address is:
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
PO Box 30966
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966

Add us to your address book

Thank you for standing with ALIPAC against illegal immigration and illegal immigrants that are costing Americans our jobs, taxpayer resources, communities, elections, and very lives!

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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Dream Act Amnesty Passes House Committee on way to merge with Graham Kushner Plan

Call Congress to oppose Dream Act Amnesty HR 6 now and share this warning by email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) ..(GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE)

Warning all ALIPAC Activists!

A group of immigration Amnesty bills have just been passed by the House Judiciary Committee to the cheers of illegal immigrants and their supporters in the audience.

Read Report at--
Cheers Erupt As House Judiciary Committee Approves 'Path to Citizenship' Amnesty Bills

These bills contain the Democrats' Amnesty priorities that Senator Graham alluded to when he rolled out his enforcement-only legislation last week. We believe these Amnesty bills like HR 6 are what Graham, Kushner, and Trump plan to negotiate into their immigration compromise bills.

The sellout lawmakers in DC are under a new time constraint because our out of control zombie government must feed again in September of this year or collapse.

The Amnesty-containing secretive budget bill signed by Trump on Feb. 15, 2019, (HJ Res 31) only funds the government through this September when the debt ceiling must be raised again, or the government will collapse leaving tens of millions of Americans dependent upon government funds for their food, clothing, lodging, healthcare, and education penniless.

The globalists and socialists who are behind this invasion and are planning the new North American Union superstate being built over the top of us today must have legislative Amnesty, and gun confiscation laws passed before the old system is allowed to finally break down. They plan to govern us all in a new totalitarian surveillance state with increased powers to silence dissent and seize and control people, property, and wages.

Therefore, the Kushner Graham Amnesty deal with Democrats has a new timer where they want it done before September.

Please pick up your phones and keyboards and begin contacting as many members of the US House as possible (starting with the Republicans) to say:

"Oppose Amnesty bills like Pelosi's HR 6, which will only encourage more illegal aliens to enter America while delivering permanent power to Democrats through a process of lawlessness and invasion that deprives all legal Americans of a voice! Stop this Amnesty push now or face the consequences in the 2020 elections!"

Contact List For US House

Let's roll, ALIPACers! Let's flood those DC phone lines with our opposition and indignation!

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

Copyright © 2019 Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you indicated concerns about illegal immigration in America and opted in through our websites, Impeach Obama,,, or

Our mailing address is:
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
PO Box 30966
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966

Add us to your address book

Thank you for standing with ALIPAC against illegal immigration and illegal immigrants that are costing Americans our jobs, taxpayer resources, communities, elections, and very lives!

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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Protest Illegal Immigration at the White House Sat June 8, 2019

Save the date and join us on the ground in DC or support and watch our efforts from home via social media.

Join and help circulate our Facebook Event page for this event where Silicon Valley censorship is expected to be heavy at...

American patriots who are racially inclusive non-violent activists who oppose illegal immigration, Amnesty, and America's current open borders and catch and release policies. Including Raymond Herrera of We The People, America, William Gheen of ALIPAC, and several angel parents who have lost loved ones to illegal immigration.

What: A protest, rally, demonstration event organized by grassroots activists outside of the White House called "STAND UP AMERICA, STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION"

When: Saturday, June 8, 2019, from 11 am to 4 pm.

Where: Lafayette Park across from the White House at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Jackson Place St.

We need Americans who are fed up with the current unprecedented flow of illegal aliens into America to show up with lots of American flags, appropriate signs that convey our concerns (some will be provided), and plenty of friends to hold them.

We are starting this off as a small event, but do not know what size and scale we may reach by June 8.

This event is still open to other non-racist peaceful organizations, so please reach out to others on our behalf and encourage them to attend, support, or speak at "STAND UP AMERICA, STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION."


PS: Help us defy the Silicon Valley attacks on our civil rights by manually joining and sharing our Facebook event page at...

Copyright © 2019 Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you indicated concerns about illegal immigration in America and opted in through our websites, Impeach Obama,,, or

Our mailing address is:
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
PO Box 30966
Raleigh, NC 27622-0966

Add us to your address book

Thank you for standing with ALIPAC against illegal immigration and illegal immigrants that are costing Americans our jobs, taxpayer resources, communities, elections, and very lives!

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