Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Graham & Kushner are the last people America needs crafting immigration laws

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Graham & Kushner are the last people America needs crafting immigration laws

For National Release | May 14, 2019
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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC.us) is rallying activists in all fifty states to fight against the Graham/Kushner Amnesty legislation expected to be filed in the US Senate on Wednesday.

ALIPAC believes that Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is taking the lead on the Kushner immigration plan after the massive backlash against Trump's son-in-law, lifelong Democrat, scandal-ridden, Sr. White House advisor Jared Kushner. Kushner's and Graham's legislative agenda violates Trump's broken campaign promise that all illegals, incuding DACA Dreamer illegals, must return to their home nations.

Kushner supports Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens and appeared before a group of bankers shortly after Trump's election in 2016 to assure them Trump's harsh rhetoric on immigration issues would not become policy.

Senator Lindsey Graham is America's most notorious illegal alien Amnesty supporting Republican following the death of his friend Senator John McCain.

Nicknamed Senator Grahamnesty by his critics for supporting defeated immigration reform Amnesty bills in 2006 and 2007, Graham and McCain tried to lead Republicans to unite with Democrats and put millions of illegals on the path to becoming citizens and Democrat voters which would hand full control of the White House, Supreme Court, and Congress to Democrats forevermore.

Lindsey Graham worked with liberal Democratic Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) in an attempt to pass Dream Act Amnesty legislation in 2010 when ALIPAC activists revealed a hidden mass Amnesty provision for most illegals in the bill, which led to swift defeat of the legislation in December of 2010.

Senator Lindsey Graham then formed the Gang of Eight to create a bipartisan group of Republican and Democrat Senators dedicated to passing immigration reform Amnesty for millions of illegals in 2013. ALIPAC activists and the American public rose up once again to defeat Graham's Amnesty legislation titled the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013.

Senator Graham has been on Fox News promoting his new immigration reform legislation, claiming it will solve the current border crisis which is being caused by President Donald J. Trump's broken campaign promises, and President Trump's DACA Amnesty and catch and release presidential directives.

Graham has admitted that he wants to gain the votes of Democrats for his bill by offering them Amnesty, citizenship, and eventual voting rights for millions of DACA Dreamer illegal immigrants according to OAN News. (View Source) During the last Amnesty legislation battle of 2018, the White House and GOP Senators like Graham offered the Democrats Amnesty for up to 4 million illegals in an effort to pass Rep. Goodlatte's Amnesty deal bill HR 4760, which would have eventually thrown four million Trump voters under the buss permanently.

"We know that any immigration-related legislation coming from Senator Lindsey Graham and or Jared Kushner will contain nation destroying Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, which will repeat the mistake of Reagan's 1986 Amnesty which caused today's crisis," explained William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "The Kushner Graham Amnesty bills and plans are exactly what Americans voted to get away from by electing Donald J. Trump as President! We didn't vote to put Kushner in the White House nor did we vote to put Senator Grahamnesty in the lead on immigration bills. This is all a massive betrayal of the more than sixty million Americans who voted for Trump!"

ALIPAC.us activists have been hammering Jared Kushner's Amnesty plans for weeks and now have activists in all 50 states calling GOP Senators to warn them away from Senator Graham's Amnesty plans, which will either be included in the bill released tomorrow or sneakily slipped into the legislation before any vote!

ALIPAC has played a lead role in defeating Amnesty legislation in Washington, DC, 10 times since 2004 with the only Amnesty getting past the organization being the Amnesty for unaccompanied illegal alien minors, their sponsors, housemates, and potential sponsors President Trump signed into law in the secretive budget deal bill of February 15, 2019.

For more information about ALIPAC's efforts to defeat legislative Amnesty for millions of illegals for an 11th time, or to schedule interviews, please visit www.ALIPAC.us


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