Monday, October 25, 2010

Illegal Immigration Becomes a Top Campaign Issue of 2010

For National Release

October 25, 2010

CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
(866) 703-0864

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is reporting today that an historic number of campaigns, well over half of all federal campaigns, are addressing illegal immigration as a top campaign issue in the 2010 elections.

ALIPAC has surveyed the nation and conducted extensive research on federal campaigns, while building and managing the largest archive of information on the topic in the world. For the first time ever, over 50% of all federal campaigns have "immigration" listed in their top 5 or 10 issues. Of those listing illegal immigration as a top issue, approximately 90% promote their support for immigration and border enforcement, while less than 10% promote their support for Amnesty or a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

"The illegal immigration issue has risen from relative national obscurity in 2004 to an issue addressed as a top campaign issue by most federal campaigns and many state level campaigns, due to the popularity of the new Arizona law," said William Gheen of ALIPAC. "The 2010 election will be the first true test of the illegal immigration issue, since there is not an amnesty supporting Republican running for, or serving as president."

The issue of illegal immigration is being addressed due to public concerns, recent legislation, and the fact illegal immigration has a negative effect on American jobs, wages, taxation, health care, education, etc...

In the 2006 and 2008 elections, President George Bush publicly broadcast messages to the nation, just before Election Day, regarding his support for legalizing illegal immigrants in America. These broadcasts sent GOP candidate poll numbers downward and demoralized the conservative base. The top politicians in the public eye in 2010 are Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, all of whom have publicly declared their support for Amnesty for illegal aliens recently. This is helping to fuel a huge political backlash.

ALIPAC has endorsed an historic number of federal candidates this year with 205 endorsed as of today. While almost all of ALIPAC's small army of endorsed candidates has illegal immigration listed as a top issue, many other campaigns have addressed the issue but are not endorsed because they have low scores at; or they have failed to return a completed survey which is required for all challenger candidates.

Candidates across America continue to send in their ALIPAC 2010 Federal Candidate surveys and more endorsements are on the way. ALIPAC's surveys and campaign research are designed to help voters know which candidates do or do not support an Amnesty path to citizenship for illegal immigrants currently in America.

"The fate of Amnesty for illegal aliens will be decided on Election Day, November 2, 2010," said William Gheen. "Thousands of us are working overtime to assure that we defeat Amnesty and illegal immigration on Election Day."

Today, ALIPAC is launching an online visibility advertising campaign to promote the hundreds of campaigns endorsed by ALIPAC. Donations received between now and election day will be used to sustain and increase this campaign to get ALIPAC's endorsements out to as many voters as possible.

For more information or to view all of ALIPAC's 2010 endorsements, please visit


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