Thursday, October 7, 2010

ALIPAC Endorses Glen Urquhart & Dee Adcock in DE and PA

CONTACT: ALIPAC, (866) 703-0864,

October 7, 2010

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is endorsing Republican challengers for Congress in Delaware and Pennsylvania due to their opposition to any form of amnesty for illegal aliens, including Dream Act Amnesty and Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty (CIRA).

ALIPAC is endorsing Glen Urquhart who is running for Congress in Delaware's open seat, and Dee Adcock who is challenging illegal alien Amnesty supporter Allyson Schwartz in Pennsylvania's 13th district.

These two new endorsements bring ALIPAC's 2010 federal campaign endorsements to a total of 160 candidates; since an unprecedented and historic number of campaigns are making illegal immigration, opposition to Amnesty, and enforcing America's existing immigration and border laws a main issue...

View ALIPAC's 2010 Endorsements Here

"Amnesty and voting rights for illegal aliens in America will be decided in 26 days on Nov. 2!" said William Gheen President of ALIPAC. "Senator Reid and President Obama have made a big strategic mistake by trying to ramrod Amnesty through this close to the election. Now the Amnesty supporting Hispanic voters are demoralized while pro-immigration enforcement conservatives are fired up!"

ALIPAC has opposed and played a key role in defeating the Dream Act and Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty legislation several times over the last six years. The group's efforts have helped to warn millions of Americans of the plan to displace the conservative base voters in America with 8-12 million illegal aliens given voting rights through Amnesty.

Glen Urquhart was endorsed in Delaware because he has promised to use the full power of his office in Congress to assure that the executive branch under President Obama begins to adequately secure our borders and enforce our existing immigration laws. Candidates like Urquhart joining the Congress can derail Obama's current efforts to create amnesty for illegal aliens through executive orders and regulatory changes designed to bypass the American Congress and the public on the issue.

Dee Adcock has been endorsed in Pennsylvania because of her support for the new Arizona law that President Obama sued to block in court and Adcock's opposition to both the McCain and Gutierrez amnesty legislation submitted in Washington, DC.

Dee Adock's opponent, Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, is a DC insider who supports Amnesty, taxpayer benefits, and voting rights for illegal aliens. Schwartz has a pathetic grade of D for her votes in Washington that are detailed on NumbersUSA's website

"Allyson Schwartz, and other traitors in Congress like her, are trying to replace their political opposition in their districts with illegal aliens as a new and aggressive voting block," said William Gheen. "Last week millions of Americans came within 3 votes in the Senate of being displaced at the ballot box if the Dream Act Amnesty had passed."

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has been calling for and supporting efforts to generate a political revolution in America in 2010 that will take down many corrupt politicians in Washington DC who are trying to wreck the country.

The immigration enforcement movement, combined with the Tea Party movement and combined with Americans of every party and walk of life who want real change, are uniting to throw out Amnesty supporters in the elections.

The 2010 elections are considered by many to be America's last chance to defeat Amnesty for illegal aliens and elect a Congress that will represent Americans more than foreign nationals illegally on American soil.

For more information about ALIPAC or our candidates, please visit



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