Thursday, September 16, 2010

Call your Senators NOW and tell them to vote NO on the DREAM Act!

Federation for American Immigration Reform

Amnesty Supporters Plan Push for DREAM Act
Call Your Senators and Tell Them to You Oppose Amnesty!

President Obama is meeting with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) at the White House this afternoon to strategize on how to pass the DREAM Act amnesty bill next week.  Rep Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), chairman of the CHC’s Immigration Task Force, said he plans to press Obama to “stand up” to make sure Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has “everything he needs” to ensure Congressional passage of the DREAM Act. The CHC plans to ask Obama to use all of his power and the bully pulpit of the White House to make sure that the DREAM Act amnesty bill passes next week.  (Roll Call, Sept. 15, 2010) Amnesty advocates are already at work trying to scrape up the votes they need in the Senate. Just yesterday, they held “pray-ins” in five key Senate offices, seeking to secure the votes of those Senators.  (Roll Call, Sept. 15, 2010)

We need your help to make sure that the U.S. Senate hears from the American people, not special interest groups that demand amnesty in order to reward lawbreakers. Call your Senators NOW and tell them to OPPOSE the DREAM Act!  Tell them:

  • You want immigration ENFORCEMENT, not another amnesty;
  • Amnesty legislation rewards those who broke U.S. immigration laws and only encourages more illegal immigration;
  • The DREAM Act unfairly allows illegal alien students to tap federal and state benefits, when those benefits are desperately needed by Americans who are struggling every day to make ends meet.

To find the phone numbers of your Senators, click hereStay tuned to FAIR for more information.

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FAIR is a non-partisan, non-discriminatory non-profit organization dedicated to securing our borders, ending illegal immigration and promoting immigration levels consistent with the national interest. FAIR relies solely on the tax-deductible contributions of citizens and philanthropic foundations.


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