Friday, August 13, 2010

Latest Update On Arizona's Fight Against Illegal Immigration

Thank You!
Thank You!
Friends of ALIPAC,

As the news sinks in across America that President Barack Obama and one biased judge stand with illegal alien invaders against Americans, the president's approval ratings are falling to new lows.

This will increase the number of our candidates that oppose Amnesty that will win this November!

If the highly biased Gallup polls show that 62 percent of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of immigration issues, then you can count on the real numbers being much higher, over 70 percent.

We have watched Gallup polling on immigration again and again, and it generally results in 10 percent more favorable to Obama, than most other polls.

A recent Gallup poll says 62 percent of Americans disapprove of how Obama is handling immigration issues, while only 29 percent approve. While these numbers are stunning, the truth is that Gallup consistently shows bias in their polling results, favoring the President and the open borders lobby, by a usual spread of at least 10 percentage points. We have documented Gallup coming out with poll readings that severely underplay the true opinions of Americans on immigration issues. You can count on the real numbers against Obama exceeding 70 percent.

There are 3 important things that you can do to help Arizona, to help your own state, and to stop Amnesty.

Step 1: Please monitor and advise ALIPAC regarding our 2010 endorsements. These are being updated often at :

We must elect enough candidates to stop McCain and Obama's Comprehensive Amnesty plans. It will not matter if all 50 states crack down on illegal immigration because all will be lost, including America's borders, if McCain and Obama turn 12 million or more illegal aliens into welfare eligible voters in our elections. We need you to help ALIPAC get more candidate surveys in from federal candidates, and we need you to help us make the best decisions possible. Do you know how your local candidates stand on these issues at this time?

Step 2:Please visit our Support Arizona's SB 1070 website. www.AgainstAmnesty.comand sign up to display your support! Once you have signed up, a blue dot will appear above your town showing a new supporter on the electronic maps! Once you have signed up, use the feature on the right of the page, or your own email lists, or Facebook and Twitter to send others to

A steady stream of support is still coming into this website. Please do all that you can to spread the word and to get more links and people assisting the site. The higher the two numbers go, the better our chances are of stopping and reversing illegal immigration.

Step 3:There is a big event this Sunday August 15, 2010 down on the Arizona border. We apologize for the late notice, but we were invited two days ago. While we appreciate the invitation, we will not be able to send a speaker to this event. We have however, agreed to notify all of our national supporters.

The organizers have told us it will be very hot at this event, there will be a large amount of security, and that groups that do not share ALIPAC's inclusive positions are not being invited.

Some of the guest speakers that you may want to go and show your support for include US Senate Candidate JD Hayworth (Endorsed by ALIPAC), AZ State Representative Russell Pearce (Author of AZ's SB 1070), legendary Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and many other candidates for federal office that stand with us in our demands for secure borders, interior enforcement, and opposition to Amnesty.

ALIPAC is trying to get surveys back from many of these candidates before the event. If you attend this event, please ask any federal candidates that you meet, "Have you filled out ALIPAC's 2010 Candidate Survey yet?"

For maps and more details about this first ever Tea Party on the Border event, organized by United We Stand For Americans and the The Patriot Caucus, please visit....

Please take a few minutes to look at supporting steps 1, 2, 3.



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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622

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