Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Next Sneaky Kushner Amnesty Deal Surprise Vote by June 28

Let's roll ALIPACers!
Please call the White House and Senator McConnell to say....

"No Amnesty deals with Democrats, secret legislation, or rushed bills that deprive Americans of a chance to know what you are voting on!"

And then call and write every GOP Senator you can as quickly as possible...
US Senate Contact Info at...

While making thousands of calls against this Kushner Amnesty plot to DC, please read and circulate the press release below to every talk radio show, website, and social media channel you can.

You are our Paul and Paula Reveres! 
---- Release ------

Next Sneaky Kushner Amnesty Deal Surprise Vote by June 28

For National Release | June 25, 2019

(View activism meme for social media and online version of release at)

ALIPAC is mobilizing activists who played a strong role in defeating Amnesty legislation in DC 10 times since 2004 to call the White House, Senator Mitch McConnell, and all GOP Senators to demand they back away from a new secretive Amnesty deal with Democrats, which is likely to have a surprise vote on or before Friday, June 28.

ALIPAC's goal is to rapidly inform, organize, and mobilize Americans who represent the majority of US citizens who oppose Amnesty for millions of illegals in order to pressure President Trump and Senate Republicans to call off the Kushner arranged deal because it will make illegal immigration worse while having a devastating impact on Republican down-ballot campaigns across America.

ALIPAC believes there is a Trump-Kushner-Graham-Schumer Amnesty plot afoot where Amnesty legislation could be rushed to the President's desk without the American public being given time to learn of, read, or respond to the Amnesty legislation.

This is the successful method Kushner's DC Amnesty backers used to pass Amnesty in H.J. Res. 31 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019), which President Trump signed on February 15 despite the pleas of Angel parents who begged Trump not to sign it.

Trump's Feb 15 bill H.J. Res. 31 broke several campaign promises by raising H2B unskilled labor visas and by establishing a temporary Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens in section 224(a) where it prohibits current government funding from being used to detain or deport illegal alien minors and their sponsors. (Read text HERE)

President Trump signed Amnesty for millions of illegals in HJ Res 31 without the knowledge and consent of the American public because section 224(a) reads "None of the funds provided by this Act or any other Act, or provided from any accounts in the Treasury of the United States derived by the collection of fees available to the components funded by this Act, may be used by the Secretary of Homeland Security to place in detention, remove, refer for a decision whether to initiate removal proceedings, or initiate removal proceedings against a sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor of an unaccompanied alien child (as defined in section 462(g) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 "

More recently, Trump angered many of his base supporters this week after feigning interest in mass deportations of illegal immigrants as a pressure tactic to bring Democrats to the table to support an Amnesty deal on immigration. ALIPAC accurately predicted Trump was lying about mass deportations as a tactic to pressure Democrats into accepting a deal on Amnesty for illegals.

Trump admits this desire to pass an Amnesty deal for millions of DACA and Dreamer illegal aliens in his first Spanish language news interview on Telemundo June 20, 2019, where he says, "The Dreamers... I am willing to make a deal. I always have been. But Pelosi and Schumer don't want to make a deal." (View Video at 5:29 HERE)

"We are mobilizing our activists against the secretive Trump-Kushner Amnesty deal because the President just gave Democrats two weeks to accept the deal, which means they must pass something before lawmakers return home for the summer break this Friday, June 28," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "This matches the tactic Trump and Kushner used to pass the last Amnesty bill H.J. Res. 31 by rushing it into law at the end of a press cycle on top of the major holiday of Valentines Day 2019. That is why we are telling Americans they need to fight back now before a new larger Dream Act/DACA Amnesty for millions of illegals lands on Trump's desk by the end of this week!"

Trump recently foreshadowed part of the Trump-Kushner Amnesty deal strategy when he claimed, "The Democrats should come in and 15 minutes to an hour we can have it all solved. It's so simple," (View Source)

ALIPAC is encouraging all Amnesty opponents to mobilize against this sneaky Amnesty deal before it can be rushed through Congress at the end of this week to be announced in the holiday weekend press cycle dead zone.

Activists should call all GOP Senators to warn, "No Amnesty deals with Democrats, no secret legislation, or rushed bills that deprive Americans of a chance to know what you are voting on!" starting with President Trump's White House (202-456-1111) and Senate leader Mitch McConnell's offices (202-224-2541).

For more information on ALIPAC's 15-year successful mission to stop Amnesty legislation for illegals in DC, or to schedule interviews, please visit www.ALIPAC.us


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