Wednesday, October 16, 2013

[Tea Flash] [Tea Flash] USCIS Union: Fix Abuses Before Amnesty


FAIR's Legislative Update:
Wednesday • October 16, 2013

USCIS Union Leader Calls for Agency Reform Before House Considers Amnesty

USCIS Council LogoThe president of the USCIS Council issued a statement warning Members of Congress that they need to first fix the abuses within the Administration before passing immigration reform. 


Committee Cancels Hearing on Bill Key to House Amnesty

Rep. Candice Miller and H.R. 3141Last week's markup of H.R. 3141, the "Biometric Exit Improvement Act of 2013," was supposedly canceled due to the shutdown, but FAIR's sources say Rep. Candice Miller is having difficulty maintaining support for this bill which undermines current law. 

Pro-Amnesty Groups Pedaling Sham Polls to Pressure House GOP

America's Voice Sham PollNew polls claiming California voters support "comprehensive" immigration reform used questions based on a false characterization of S. 744, the 1,200 page amnesty bill passed by the Senate in June.


Arizona Requires Proof of U.S. Citizenship for State Voter Registration

AZ Requires ID to VoteThis month, Arizona officials affirmed that state law requires voters to provide proof of citizenship to participate in state and local elections starting in 2014.



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The Amnesty Plan:
H.R. 3141

Download FAIR's bill summary and learn about how this biometric bill could be used to turn the Senate Gang of Eight bill into law.

Facebook Bullies:  
Zuckerberg Pledges $50 mill. for Attack Ads

Read more.

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Shutdown Amnesty

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Posted By Breaking News to Tea Flash at 10/16/2013 09:24:00 AM

Posted By Breaking News to Tea Flash at 10/16/2013 09:24:00 AM

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