Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Call Congress Now - Immigration Votes Today and Tonight!

Federation for American Immigration Reform

Immigration Amendments on House Floor Call Your Representatives Now!

At least four immigration amendments may be offered to the current spending bill (H.R.1) being debated right now in the U.S. House of Representatives. Our Hill sources tell us that the votes will likely take place later this afternoon or early evening.

Please call your Representatives NOW and urge them to SUPPORT the following amendments:

Vote Yes on Amendment # 199: This amendment, offered by Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX), prohibits the Department of Justice from using any funds to sue Arizona in an attempt to strike down its new immigration enforcement law, SB 1070. As you know, FAIR and its legal affiliate IRLI was instrumental in helping Arizona lawmakers devise this enforcement legislation.

Vote Yes on Amendment #225: This amendment, offered by Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), prohibits government funds from being used to carry out the Visa Lottery, in essence wiping out the program. FAIR has long advocated for the elimination of the Visa Lottery because it represents bad public policy. Under the Visa Lottery, Homeland Security grants over 50,000 green cards annually to individuals who simply fill out an application. There is no assessment of the skills these aliens would bring to the U.S or whether the labor market can support these additional workers. Applicants for the visa lottery may also receive their green card sooner than aliens who have been waiting in line for years to receive family-based or employment-based green cards. In short, the program serves no purpose other than to give out more green cards.

Please urge your Representatives to OPPOSE the following amendments:

Vote No on Amendment #188: This amendment, offered by Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), limits the number of detention beds to 33,400 instead of making this the minimum number Homeland Security must maintain (as currently in the bill). By limiting the number of detention beds, it means that ICE cannot expand its enforcement efforts against illegal immigration because it would have nowhere to detain the illegal aliens while ICE is in the process of removing them from the U.S.

Vote No on Amendment #277: This amendment, offered by Rep. David Price (D-NC), denies all funding for the implementation of REAL ID. By defunding REAL ID, this amendment would in essence allow states to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

Please call your Representatives NOW and urge them to take action on these important amendments! There are over 500 amendments waiting for action on this spending bill and your members will not know which ones you consider important unless you call and tell them. There is no time to lose! Please call NOW.

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FAIR is a non-partisan, non-discriminatory non-profit organization dedicated to securing our borders, ending illegal immigration and promoting immigration levels consistent with the national interest. FAIR relies solely on the tax-deductible contributions of citizens and philanthropic foundations.


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