Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ALIPAC Gains Political Strength in 2010 Elections

Friends of ALIPAC,

Last night Republicans gained at least 60 seats in the US House as part of an historic backlash against the policies of President Obama and his Democratic leadership. Nancy Pelosi will no longer be Speaker of the House however, Senator Harry Reid has survived, probably due to the illegal alien vote in Nevada pouring out of the Las Vegas area via machine politics.

We have great concerns about our candidate losses in Nevada and Washington State where Democratic incumbents campaigned and employed illegal aliens.

We must secure our voter registration and ballot integrity before 2012 to stop illegal aliens from ever voting in American campaigns again.

The pro Amnesty crowd has taken a strong hit but they are not vanquished. Many of the Republicans who were elected or reelected are in the pockets of the US Chamber of Commerce, Carl Rove, John McCain and others who support Open Borders and Amnesty for illegal aliens.

Illegal immigration was one of the top 5 issues of the 2010 elections, although most liberal media outlets have gone out of their way to hide that fact, and even Fox News continues to run polls showing top issues that exclude illegal immigration.

This coordinated effort to conceal the fact that over half of all federal campaigns listed illegal immigration as a top campaign issue does not change the truth. It does not change the truth that over 90% of those campaigns talking about illegal immigration promised voters border security and "no Amnesty".

ALIPAC endorsed and supported more campaigns than ever this year! In 2008, we endorsed 171 candidates and this year we were able to analyze and endorse 205 campaigns!

In 2008, 111 of ALIPAC's candidates won their races. At the time of this email, 134 have won in 2010 with 63 losing and 8 races still up in the air this morning.

In 2008, our online endorsements page was displayed 15,083 times by Election Day. In 2010 that number reached 34,369! We also donated more money and sent in more volunteers than ever while receiving more press coverage.

We were able to use the 2010 elections to learn how to do more and be more effective in campaigns as a national organization.

Many of our targeted campaigns were victorious and some candidates who have made illegal immigration a central part of their campaigns won, such as Lou Barletta in PA and Allen West in Florida!

Another big display of our growing influence can be found in the examples of who attacked us. In the fight against illegal immigration, you can often tell who is on the side of the American public by who is attacking them.

This year we were attacked openly by amnesty supporting US Senators and members of Congress. The DCCC, NAACP, NCLR, ADL, and other top Amnesty supporting, lying, smear machines all focused in on ALIPAC and NumbersUSA. Clearly, we have been in the lead nationally on this issue or these groups would not attack us so fervently if they did not fear our influence.

We have emerged from the smoke and wreckage of this intense political battle both stronger and in a better position to fight against illegal immigration and Amnesty.

We must not let our guard down as there is forensic research to be conducted on these races to find out what went wrong in many places. We also have Senator Reid returning to Washington victorious and promising to try and pass the Dream Act Amnesty during the lame duck session between now and Christmas.

You can monitor ALIPAC's wins and losses being coded on our endorsements page at....

We want to offer our sincere thanks and gratitude to each and every one of you who supported our efforts as volunteers and contributors. Your hard work and sacrifice has made these gains for our cause possible. So many of you worked yourselves to exhaustion in these campaigns and we salute you.

We also want to thank the ALIPAC Team who really came together in the final days leading up to the election. We raised the bar on ALIPAC's performance and achievements thanks to our dedicated team of top activists. They put so much of themselves into this effort. Please know how much all of us appreciate your hard work.

While we certainly believe that our progress was hindered in many races due to underhanded and illegal activities conducted by the illegal aliens and their supporters, we have definitively moved the battle lines back into their territory.

A pickup of 60 congressional seats is the biggest backlash at the polls in 70 years. It is evidence of a growing political revolution. It is evidence that the American public is fighting to regain control of Washington.

And then there is the shift to the right in the states! Our immigration enforcement crusade has been dominating the illegals and their supporters in the states for several years now.

In North Carolina and Alabama, Republicans now control the state legislatures for the first time in 140 years and they won by promising voters they intend to file an improved version of Arizona's historic immigration law!

With Republicans winning control of several gubernatorial seats and state houses, combined with increased Republican margins in many states, the stage is set for an incredible new wave of immigration enforcement legislation on the state level.

This is possible if and only if ALIPAC, other allied organizations, and our supporters take the right steps!

Whether your favorite candidates or political party won or not last night please remember; we are all Americans who need to remain united and make illegal aliens leave our nation immediately.


William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team


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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622

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