Friday, July 30, 2010

FAIR Enews Update - July 30, 2010


capitol connection

Text of Judge's Decision to Grant Injunction Against SB 1070.
Read the decision


weekly poll

Fraud by Illegal Aliens
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Breaking News: SB 1070 Decision Sets Stage for Appeal

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FAIR President Dan Stein appears on CNN to discuss the lawsuit against SB 1070.
Watch now.


Pennsylvania: FAIR Field Representative Robert Najmulski is planning a Law Enforcement Summit in the Philadelphia area. The summit will be open to law enforcement administrators and personnel. The goal is to educate and inform local law enforcement agencies on the illegal alien issues and train officials in the area of identifying and dealing with criminal aliens.

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Send us your Questions or Comments About Immigration

Send them to us. Here's my feedback.

Reader Feedback from Last Poll: Is the DREAM Act fair?


"It is hard enough for Americans to get into college, and illegals should not be given amnesty, number 1, and should not be taking up seats, probably on our dime, that Americans should have. I had a hard time getting my daughter into college and had to prove she was an American. This is disgusting!!"

"Not only is it unfair to legal citizens and legal residents, but it accommodates students who are not here legally and are not entitled to anything in this country as far as I'm concerned. The one exception might be a one-way ticket back to their country of origin."

"The Dream Act is nothing more than an Amnesty for illegal aliens who claim to be students. Let's educate our United States Citizen children first."

"I am a college student and it is really hard to pay for college (My divorced single mother of 3 who makes 50000 dollars a year is supposed to pay 13000 dollars a year for me to go to college because I can't get financial aid), I think we should let international students come here if they have VISAS and pay international tuition, which is higher than out of state tuition. Why should my family have to pay for people that aren't even American to go to school?"


Produced by the Federation for American Immigration Reform
25 Massachusetts Ave. N.W. Washington DC 20001 (202) 328 7004

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