If S. 386 passes despite ALIPAC's efforts to stop it, Citizenship and Immigration Services predict that 90% of future green cards and access to US Citizenship will go to India! (View Source) Please help fund our fight to stop S. 386 and follow the 3 activism steps below. https://www.alipac.us/donations/ Today, our DC sources tell us that, while he claims he supports this bill, Georgia Sen. David Perdue is still holding out against S. 386 front man Sen. Mike Lee's (R-UT) efforts to use a unanimous consent rule to bypass debate and committee process on the bill! Please take three important steps today to help ALIPAC stop this bill as we are told none of the other major immigration groups have deployed their activists against S. 386 as we have! Step 1: Call Georgia Sen. David Perdue's office to say: "Please ask Sen Perdue to stand strong against the India green card giveaway bill S. 386 that will cost American workers jobs, depreciate wages, and unbalance America's legal immigration system!" 455 Russell Office Building Washington, DC 20510 p: (202) 224-3521 f: (202) 228-1031 Step 2: Like, comment on, and share this meme we have made to alert others using email, (FACEBOOK HERE) ..(TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE).  Step 3: Please fund and fuel ALIPAC's efforts to stop this terrible bill as we are in the middle of a funds drive and must raise financial support as we fight back! We are currently running online ads against S 386 cosponsor Sen. Jerry Moran in Kansas and encountering other expenses in this fight we need your help with at-- https://www.alipac.us/donations/ The ALIPAC Team PS: Millions of dollars are being spent on lobbying and on donations to buy off your US Senators by Google, Alphabet Inc., and Amazon that, among other tech giants, benefit from lower-cost Indian labor. According to Open Secrets.org that monitors federal campaign contributions, S. 386's lead sponsor Mike Lee (R-UT) has been rewarded by his Silicon Valley supporters: Microsoft, $33,000; Google, $18,400; Amazon, $12,500; Oracle, $11,000; Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook, $11,000 and the Koch-owned Koch Agronomic Services, $11,000. (View Source) Please fight back against these tech company robber barons with a sponsorship of $10, $25, $50, $100 or more to ALIPAC.us at-- https://www.alipac.us/donations/ | | | |
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