Let's make Malkin's new book exposing the financiers of America's illegal alien invasion a #1 best seller! Currently #32 on Amazon! (Here)  Support this effort by spreading the word with email and on (ALIPAC HERE) .. (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) When someone writes a book about illegal immigration, the chances are highest that our archives at ALIPAC.us helped out in some way. Those of us who have worked hard to build, and paid the bills to keep more than 372,928 pages of info about illegal immigration available at ALIPAC since 2004 need no credit for our contributions. But we do want all of our supporters to know that the names of those responsible for this invasion, the names of many killed by illegals, and the history of our struggle are all in our archives! While Google is trying hard to bury us, our archives are used daily by campaigns, lawmakers and staff, reporters, journalists, students, activists, etc... Thanks to our combined efforts, sometimes a new book comes along that has a big impact on the national debate about illegal immigration and Amnesty, and as activists, we need to do all we can to support someone like Michelle Malkin who has been a champion on our issue for decades and make her new book Open Borders Inc #1 on Amazon! Let's all pull together to make Michelle Malkin's new book a national top seller by buying copies for ourselves, buying copies as gifts to friends, and buying copies to send to state and federal candidates and lawmakers! Please purchase your copies at these links and then share this request using the meme and links above! Her book price has been reduced to $17 for hardcover and is currently #32 on Amazon! Let's make her #1 and please vote 5 stars and leave good reviews for her book! Open Borders Inc.: Who's Funding America's Destruction? https://www.amazon.com/Open-Borders-Inc-Funding-America/dp/1621579719 | | | |
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