ALIPAC Endorses Sandy Smith over DACA Amnesty Supporting Sen Thom Tillis (R-NC) For National Release | September 10, 2019  Share & Discuss this release on (ALIPAC HERE) .. (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) Raleigh, NC -- The national organization Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is endorsing the US Senate campaign of Sandy Smith today to aid her bid to oust incumbent Republican Senator Thom Tillis who supports Amnesty for illegal immigrants legislation rejected by most North Carolinians. While Sandy Smith has indicated on ALIPAC's 2020 federal candidate survey that she opposes Amnesty legislation currently before the US Senate such as HB 6, TPS Amnesty for Venezuelans, and current DACA and Catch and Release Amnesty policies for illegals, Senator Thom Tillis has been actively working on a path to citizenship and voting rights for DACA Amnesty illegals. In March of 2018, Thom Tillis supported liberal Senator Dick Durbin's (D-IL) efforts to pass Amnesty for DACA illegals saying, "I hope that we'll continue to work on this bill so that we can provide certainty to the DACA population. They deserve a path to citizenship." "Our archives at ALIPAC clearly demonstrate that incumbent Senator Thom Tillis is firmly in the Amnesty for illegals camp and is focused on cutting a deal with Democrats to give Amnesty and voting rights to DACA illegal immigrants, which would hand permanent power to Democrats in our home swing state of North Carolina," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC, who used to work with Tillis in the NC legislature. "Our activists feel that Tillis is about 90% Democrat on immigration issues although he is registered as a Republican. Thom Tillis is firmly in the pocket of the big business interests and Democrats who want more illegal alien and foreign workers, consumers, and voters." A review of ALIPAC's archives also faults Senator Thom Tillis for-- -- Sponsoring the Succeed Act (Solution for Undocumented Children through Careers, Employment, and Defending our Nation) Amnesty bill which would have provided a form of Amnesty for millions of young illegals. (View Source) -- Working with pro-Amnesty Senator Graham and White House surrogate life-long Democrat Jared Kushner to legitimize Obama's illegal and unconstitutional DACA Amnesty with legislation which would have given Amnesty to between 1.2 and 3.5 million DACA-enrolled and DACA-eligible illegal aliens, as well as the roughly 325,000 TPS foreign nationals. (View Source 1) (View Source 2) -- Fervently supporting legal immigration increases of unskilled workers receiving H-2B visas. (View Source) -- Voting to gut interior enforcement of existing immigration laws while expanding H-2B visas in the H.J.Res. 31 funding bill passed on Feb 14, 2019. (View Source) -- Opposing Trump's emergency declaration at the border. (View Source) -- Thom Tillis is endorsed and supported by the pro-Amnesty billionaire Koch Brothers political wing Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Action. (View Source) ALIPAC successfully fought and stopped Senator Tillis's Succeed Act Amnesty bill in 2017 stating, "Through this bill, millions of illegal aliens would secure U.S. citizenship and voting rights, and then use their political power to gain Amnesty for millions more, who would turn most states as deep Democrat blue as California and give Democrats control of all three branches of government within a decade!" ALIPAC is adding Sandy Smith to the endorsements page today and asking anti-illegal immigration activists from across America to support the US Senate Campaign of Sandy Smith. North Carolina citizens are being asked to vote for Sandy Smith and volunteer for her campaign. Smith will face Senator Tillis and another GOP primary candidate Garland Tucker of Raleigh in the 2020 GOP Primary race. For more information about the immigration positions of Senator Thom Tillis and his GOP primary challenger Sandy Smith, please visit ### | | | |
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