ALIPAC Activists! Please take the 3 activism steps below and be ready to receive an important press release from us shortly. (Meme to circulate at end) Sen. Lee has vowed to bring his India & China green card giveaway bill S 386 back up for a vote in the US Senate before Sept 27 where it clearly has enough votes to pass at this time! President Trump may be signaling he wants the bill on his desk by appearing with the Prime Minister of India in front of thousands of people from India in a Houston stadium yesterday! (View Video) Step 1: Call & write Trump to tell him to "Oppose and veto S. 386 because you promised to lower immigration levels and protect American workers, not make things worse for American workers through bills like S 386!" Call: 202-456-1111 / 202-456-1414 Write: Step 2: Call as many GOP Senate offices in DC as you can, starting with the states closest to you. Make it clear to staff and voice mail systems, "I'm calling today to fight for American jobs and American workers who do not need more imported workers from India and China being used by tech companies and banks to censor and oppress Americans like me! Tell Senator ___ to oppose and vote against S 386!" US Senate Contact Info REMEMBER THAT ALIPAC's SUCCESSFUL STRATEGY IN THE PAST IS TO HAVE OUR ACTIVISTS MAKE THESE TARGETED CALLS WHILE RALLYING OTHERS TO HELP AND THEN FOLLOWING UP WITH A WRITTEN VERSION OF OUR MESSAGE! Step 3: Help fund adequately so we can do our best in this fight this week! Our contributors are responding very slowly, and we don't know how much of that is blocking from Silicon Valley or reluctance to oppose some of the Trump administration's efforts to pass Amnesty and raise legal immigration levels. If you are hearing us and you are willing to fight, we need you on the phones as volunteers and stepping up to sponsor our efforts at-- Please make the calls then circulate this meme and alert by email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE)  | | | |
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