Call, contribute, share & discuss this alert and meme via email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE) Red Alert ALIPAC activists! Fund our fight and take the three steps below to fight back against this sneak attack vote in the US Senate today! While we were being pinned down into Emergency Mode yesterday due to sluggish responses to our funds drive to keep the lights on at ALIPAC, Sen Mike Lee has planned a sneak attack vote today in the US Senate to pass HB 1044 / S 386 by a "unanimous consent request." Such a request would allow the Senate to bypass the committee process and public debate! The good news only one Senator needs to object to derail this unanimous consent ploy. The bad news is, most Senators are probably on board with this betrayal! Take immediate action now to stop sellouts in the US Senate from giving more green cards to foreign workers from India and China via S 386 now by.. 1. Donating to ALIPAC ($10, $25, $50, $100, or more) to help us get out of Emergency Mode and into fight mode ASAP via... https://www.alipac.us/donations/ 2. Read these articles and share them far and wide by email and social media to alert others! Senate Action Expected on Big Tech Green Card Bill https://www.alipac.us/f12/senate-action-expected-big-tech-green-card-bill-375408/ Today: GOP Senate Plans Vote to Outsource College Graduate America https://www.alipac.us/f9/today-gop-senate-plans-vote-outsource-college-graduate-america-375413/ 3. Get on the phones and rapidly call all GOP Senators starting with your own. Make sure you give Sen Mike Lee a particularly angry call to share your disgust at his support for foreign workers over Americans! "I'm calling to ask Senator _____ to object to unanimous consent requests and vote no on S. 386 which would give more green cards to foreign workers from India and China!" US Senate Contact Info (Call then write) https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm Not much time to work here, please move rapidly with our three requests in response to this sneak attack on American workers in the US Senate! The ALIPAC Team www.alipac.us PS: Please send your support today as ALIPAC does not currently have the funds to meet our current operations costs and cannot fight at our full capacity without your strong help at... https://www.alipac.us/donations/ | | | |
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