| Friends of ALIPAC, I intend for this to be our last email on the Whitman and Diaz case for two reasons. One, we have 32 days to change the history of America with the elections and our 158+ federal candidates. Two, this issue is more divisive that I expected. None of us who are reasonable about politics expects everyone to agree all of the time. There is far more push-back concerning our call for both Whitman and Diaz to be charged and for the courts to determine guilt, innocence, or culpability because there appears to clearly be numerous violations of federal law that have occurred. Thank you very much to each of you, regardless of your positions, for writing to us and taking our internal poll. Hearing from you helps us to do our job better. Here are ALIPAC's current internal poll readings on this situation. From our first 1,000 respondents we find that.... 67.3% of you agree with ALIPAC's call for Whitman and Diaz to be charged, while 7.6% are neutral, and 23.4% disagree. 85.8% of you still support or have stronger support for ALIPAC. 8.5% have lowered your support for ALIPAC and 4.4% of you say you are dropping your support for ALIPAC in reaction to our call for charges. Yet, 77.3% of you agree that the courts are the best place to handle these issues while 20.5% of you believe that Meg Whitman's proclamations that she has proper documents for Diaz is satisfying. Of those that disagree with ALIPAC's positions on this matter, the top three concerns are ... 1. Some of you support Meg Whitman even though she supports Amnesty for illegal aliens which would destroy your future influence in American elections because you dislike or fear Jerry Brown and this support is a high priority for you. 2. Some of you heard on Fox News Whitman's claims she is innocent, knows nothing, has documents etc... and you beleive that these claims of innocence are enough to prevent any need for arrests, charges, or courts to analyze the violations of federal law in these matters. 3. Some of you feel that Whitman's guilt and culpability should be determined before any arrest or charges. I will apologize for entering into divisive territory at a time when we need unity and focus in the elections. However, ALIPAC's call for Whitman and Diaz to be properly charged in a court of law, which is the best place for these claims, documents, and culpability to be weighed will remain in place. Let me make this clear. We do not support Whitman and we do not support Jerry Brown. We do not support or oppose candidates in state races, however we generally oppose both Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown because both support amnesty for illegal aliens. ALIPAC opposes Amnesty for illegal aliens and any candidates that support amnety, that is what we do. While the vast majority of you have responded to this case with wonderful support or a degree of understanding on our differences of opinion, we have received some rather disappointing communications and accusations. When the smoke clears from the 2010 elections, it is clear that we are going to need to have a very serious national conversation about the Rule of Law, what it really means, and why it is of the highest importance to America's future. We are also going to have to discuss the role of the media on public attitudes and this belief among some of us that we can all determine guilt or innocence by what we are told in the media just like the Duke Lacrosse case. (cough cough) While I respect those of you that make up the 20% of ALIPACers that disagree with this call and beleive Whitman's claims she had proper documents are enough for you. I respect the fact that many of you that responded that way are disappointed with me. Well I confess that I have been tempted to be disappointed with some of your views. But instead of being disappointed, please allow me to use this opportunity to share the views of 67% of ALIPACers that do support our position. You see, if we applied the view of those of you who beleive no charges should be filed against Whitman because she claims she did not know she hired an illegal alien to handle her children for 9 years in violation of federal law, then most federal crimes would go without trial or punishment. If you are going to allow your rights as Americans to have your existing federal laws enforced against those big and small who break our laws to be arbitrarily enforced, then you are in fact supporting the current situation in America that has allowed illegal immigration to flourish! If one of the employees of ALIPAC turned out to be an illegal alien, hypothetically, and later testified to that fact to authorities then all I have to do is tell Sean Hannity I did not know and I have these documents and an employment agency to prove it and I can avoid charges and a trial? Playing the game that way gets you exactly what you see in America today. By 2006 the Bush administration had ceased all fines against employers in America for hiring illegal aliens. Today, Obama fines a few more but the phones ring off the hook in the ICE offices in DC with credible report after credible report of companies hiring illegal aliens and nothing is going to happen! Yes, we do need to give employers the tools they need to only hire Americans and legal immigrants. Yes, the government needs to honor its obligation to check the I-9 forms. And yes, employers like Meg Whitman need to explain to a judge how exactly she came to hire an illegal alien nanny, at $23 and hour, for 9 years! Speaking of which, I'm giving serious consideration to a career change because this illegal alien Diaz was making much more per hour than I am. Are any of you thinking about becoming an illegal alien nanny like I am? Must be one of those jobs an American won't do right? This situation also reminds me of how some of our supporters still wanted to take up for President Bush as he lowered all of our nation's illegal immigration defenses allowing millions to rush into America. Some of the folks that were part of the 21% of Americans that still approved of Bush as he left office, seemed to pray to him more than for him sometimes. ALIPAC will not be like that. Republican, Democrat, rich, poor, employer, illegal, everyone responsible for this nation destroying crisis needs to be investigated, charged, tried, and if found guilty then punished to the fullest extent of our laws. We must always stand on principle first and foremost and we must never become arbitrary in our calls for justice because that is the road that led us here and that is the road that will lead us into the mass murder gang rape slavery and horror that pervades Mexico. Such arbitrary applications of justice will lead us right back into the Bush era amnesty politics if Republicans take the House and Senate! ALIPAC is part of a much larger political revolution and that means we want real change in America, not more of the same. Letting Meg Whitman off the hook because she is a wealthy Republican is supportive of the status quo. That kind of mentality will only perpetuate the rule over us by DC insiders that beleive they are above the law. While we are not calling for Whitman or Diaz to be sent to the guillotine , we are demanding that our government do the job necessary to stop illegal aliens like Diaz from entering or remaining in the US illegally and to stop employers like Whitman from hiring illegals like Diaz. All of our hearts and prayers certainly go out to the brave ALIPAC supporters in California. We should all sympathize with the situation there where all of the major party candidates for Governor and US Senate support Amnesty for illegal aliens! We recommend that ALIPAC supporters focus their time and energies on the 8 members of Congress endorsed in California. Our supporters would be best served by applying their efforts only to candidates that oppose Amnesty and not behind those that support Amnesty. If Republican voters are still willing to support candidates that support Amnesty, then Republican candidates have no incentive to change their ways. If you can't walk away, you are not negotiating... you are a victim. ALIPAC will not compromise to support one nation destroying Republican amnesty supporter over a Democratic one. To do so would take us right back into the disaster in this nation created by Bush and Rove. Let's all pull together as a team now and focus on all of the Amnesty supporters like Whitman and Brown that we can and will throw out of office on November 2! Sincerely, William Gheen AMERICANS FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION PAC Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966 Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864 FEC ID: C00405878 | | | | | | |
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