| Friends of ALIPAC, What is happening in America today is not just an election, it is an awakening. It is also the American public's second attempt at trying to create change in our nation. Unfortunately, DC insiders who control the top levels of both parties conspire to stop real change from happening. At this moment, the pathway to our side checkmating the open borders lobby in DC exists, they know it and they are afraid. The next few moves by both sides are critical and will determine who will control America. It will either be you, or those currently in control backed by their new army of millions of illegal alien voters, which will be assigned government positions of power and authority over you and your descendants. In these brief few weeks before the election, it is nice to see the fear on the side of the sellouts and traitors, who have betrayed our nation, instead of our own families awaiting the next horrid move from the Feds. ALIPAC has now endorsed a record number of candidates. Our current count stands at 203 and new candidate surveys are still coming in. Thanks to your help, our endorsements have been viewed by over 30,000 at ALIPAC alone and we are receiving unprecedented press coverage for our endorsements and more candidates than ever are proudly displaying and promoting ALIPAC's support! You know you are over the target, when you take a lot of fire and in the last week, ALIPAC has been attacked by some of the most powerful groups in America. In fact, both ALIPAC and NumbersUSA (Gheen & Beck) were attacked by name this week in a 'report' put out by the NAACP and National Council of La Raza (NCLR aka The Race), which attacks the entire Tea Party movement claiming it is eaten up with people who are anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, and racist! ALIPAC was also attacked by two George Soros funded Indy Media newspapers, the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), and the ultra liberal Huffington Post! They are attacking the manifestation of your combined support for ALIPAC because they know that the information we are providing to voters can completely destroy their faction in Washington. They recognize ALIPAC as a key factor which could defeat their plans. Otherwise, they would not bother having some of the most powerful Democratic control groups in America attack us. ALIPAC is clearly a leading group in the 2010 elections. These attacks come one week after billionaire George Soros, a top architect of the invasion of America with illegal aliens, announced that he was powerless to stop the popular conservative political revolution sweeping America. All across America, in Congressional districts, Senate Districts, and state house and senate seats, wild eyed populist Republicans are close to winning races in seats that were considered safe for Democrats. The DC insiders are facing the possibility of a major sweep which will bring new blood into office and they fear this will cost them control. Republicans picking up 35-40 seats in Congress is something they can handle. GOP picking up 40-100 seats and the traitors are in deep trouble. Even the left leaning New York Times admits that at least 109 Congressional seats are in play! Also, any previously Democratic state legislatures are close to going Republican as GOP candidates in many states are promising voters a version of Arizona's law! In the past week they have deployed the symbols of the burning and broken crosses. They have called all of their opposition racists and Nazi in an effort to suppress the large turnout of American voters of European decent, while trying to elevate the weak turnout in the black and Hispanic precincts. To further disgust many swing voters, they are also rolling out George Bush who just launched his book release tour by making a speech a college in the liberal stronghold of Chicago! The Globalists are deploying Bush to try and throw cold water on the revolt because Bush could be a real party stopper. Of course they have to let him test waters in the heart of Chicago because if they put him out in the rest of America first he could be booed off stage by Republicans and Conservatives screaming at him for coming out and harming our sensitive GOP Congressional campaigns! Of course, by telling millions of impoverished blacks and Hispanics that all of you voting Republican, fighting illegal immigration, or voting against Obama are somehow in cahoots with the KKK and Hitler, the Democrats are elevating the chances of both individual acts of violence associated with the elections and mass civil unrest. They are trying to convince black, Hispanic, Jewish, and gay special interest groups that you want to harm or kill them all, and that big lie increases the danger to us all. Furthermore, the news that illegal aliens have been deployed to canvass Hispanic neighborhoods by Democrats in Washington state, says it all! Our opposition knows that the vast majority of state boards of elections in America have no way to determine, if someone is an illegal alien and is committing a felony by voting in our elections. They even have some towns announcing plans to let illegals vote in city elections. The messages being sent to illegal aliens is VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! Together, we have 8 days to prevail or perish. ALIPAC has put a great deal of thought and consideration into the candidate surveys, campaign research, and incumbent voting records behind our 203 endorsements found at..... http://www.alipac.us/2010_campaign_endorsements.html While we may not all agree on some races, we hope you will give our endorsements the highest consideration for your votes. Each Federal campaign has been sent our ALIPAC survey at least twice. Some do not answer us because they are disorganized, others may want to hide their real promises to the US Chamber of Commerce and La Raza to make illegals voters and that is why they will not answer. Keep on them to answer our survey and ALIPAC will continue to endorse right up till Revolution Day on Nov. 2! Here is what we want you to do. Four steps to victory on Revolution Day: Know, Group, Deploy, and Donate 1. KNOW: Know your ballot! Use ALIPAC's endorsements as a guide, but you must make the phone calls and send the emails to speak directly with candidates on every level about their immigration stances. From Sheriff, to state house, to county commission, to congress... candidates are at your beck and call. All you need is an internet connection and a phone. If you want to win, find out about everyone on your ballot, which you can get a sample from on the website of your local county board of elections. 2. GROUP: Consolidate and magnify your votes behind candidates who oppose Amnesty for illegal aliens. A candidate's stance on illegal immigration is one of the best indicators of, if they are an American or a sellout. The illegal aliens are going door to door across America to flood the polls with their people, you need to vote and take as many like minded friends, family members, or neighbors to vote with you. Seriously, we want you to start friendly conversations and to identify others who oppose Amnesty and offer to pick them up in your car and take them to vote. USE EARLY VOTING WHICH IS HAPPENING NOW! You must do your best to be a 'community organizer' and magnify your own vote by hounding and transporting others like you to the voting location. 3. DEPLOY: Locate the Federal campaign endorsed by ALIPAC closest to you and make contact, offer to volunteer, and send them donations. Your messages and donations should be accompanied with notes about your support for their opposition to Amnesty for illegal aliens. If you are not out in the streets planting yard signs, making calls for candidates, attending events, and driving voters to the polls in sufficient quantities you are going to get creamed on election day. So many of our people are out there working hard, if you are not you need to get yourself INTO MOTION IMMEDIATELY. We understand that many of you are retired, unemployed, or underemployed, which means you have a lot of time you can spare right now. You should also consider the fact that members of Congress are given millions of dollars each year to hire staff to work their offices and they have lots of contacts of firms that hire, so volunteering on campaigns is a great way to network for a job or a better job. The Open Borders Lobby has thousands of operatives crawling all over these campaigns and candidates, we need you to get in close to these candidates and members of Congress. Go to their campaign offices, go to their election night gatherings, go to their $25 a head fund raisers, let them see you and hear you. Taking your government back means you need to pick up your phone and walk out your door and go stand with your candidates and those fighting hard for them. These candidates and their existing staff and volunteers NEED YOU NOW, just click on their names on our endorsement list and go to their website, send the email and make the call. DEPLOY and DESTROY the Amnesty faction! 4. DONATE: Break your piggy banks if you have to, then make a donation to the candidates we have endorsed nearest to you. We will send you a target list in 24 hours of key races across America that we need you to support as well. Please donate to ALIPAC as well, since we are under enormous financial pressures with the attacks on our organization and so many candidates needing our help. We have an ad campaign in motion that costs money, an event to throw this Friday, and candidates who want donations from our group. We can't win and our candidates can't win, if they get heavily outspent by pro-Amnesty candidates who are flush with millions of dollars. Volunteer and Donate to ALIPAC Anti-Amnesty candidates by clicking on their names at this link.... Volunteer and Donate to ALIPAC to help our efforts at Donate http://www.alipac.us/content-9.html Volunteer http://www.alipac.us/content-4.html For those of you in Raleigh, NC or are willing to travel there for our event to raise awareness about candidates on every level who are making their opposition to illegal immigration and amnesty an issue, please join us this Friday Oct. 29! This event is designed to help us raise awareness and support for all of our 200+ Federal campaigns in every state! Oct 29 event details at.... http://www.alipac.us/article5764.html If we all pull together as a team, focus, and put our shoulders to the wheel, then we will be victorious against illegal immigration and Amnesty in 8 days! The fate of Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens will be decided on Nov. 2, 2010. Sincerely, William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team www.alipac.us | | | | | | |
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