Thursday, October 28, 2010

Democrats Fighting Words Backfire Causing Tail Spin

Friends of ALIPAC,

Time is short. We have 5 days left to save America.

Here is what you need to know....

Thank you Joy Behar!

Joy Behar's use of fighting words calling Sharon Angle a '*****' and promising some kind of violent reaction from her gang banging illegal alien homies in New York City has backfired. Angle sent Behar flowers and the message "Joy, raised $150,000 online yesterday. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Sharron Angle" Women voters are abandoning the Democratic fold in droves in response to this affront to all women. Behar has handed the election to Angle and hurt Democratic candidates nationwide.

Obama declares Americans 'enemies'...

President Obama's message to amnesty supporting Hispanic voters advocating they need to "punish our enemies" has also backfired. While his fighting words have increased the chances of sporadic violence towards Americans and possible massive civil unrest, such as we see in other nations, Americans are choosing to rebuke his comments.

It is widely seen as inappropriate for the President of the United States to declare and classify the over 200 million Americans of every race and party who oppose his radical Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty as 'enemies'. Black, Hispanic, Asian, and White voters who oppose Amnesty are switching their votes to Republican or sitting this election out in protest of Obama's antagonism towards Americans who oppose his political agenda.

These recent comments, along with Obama's comments that Republicans must 'ride in the back of the bus' have opened many eyes in the last few days causing Obama to cancel most of his public speaking plans around the country. Even Bill Clinton cannot generate audiences and the word is that Hillary has left the nation to distance herself from the Democratic collapse.

Apocalyptic Poll Numbers

In 1994, the conservative backlash in America shocked most Democrats. This time they see the wave coming but are powerless to stop it.

The recent polling data coming in suggests that the 2010 backlash may dwarf the historic events of 1994! The poll readings are incredible! Each day the news gets worse for the Democrats; the negative tactics of Obama and groups like the ADL, DCCC, the Independent Media sources controlled by George Soros, and the Huffington Post have backfired! Each desperate measure they deploy appears to only escalate the backlash and feed the flames!


Six simple steps to victory.

1. We need each of you to focus on your ballot and rally everyone you can to join you to strike back at the polls on Nov 2!

2. Keep an eye out for Black Panthers and wacky voting machines. Report any problems immediately to us and your local media and authorities. We are tracking these incidents in the interest of election integrity.

3. Get your support for ALIPAC's operations in the door as soon as possible via this link. We are very low on funds and have an immense demand for assistance from those candidates who stand with us.


4. Approach the federal campaigns endorsed by ALIPAC closest to you to offer your immediate help as a donor and or as a volunteer. Get those signs in your yard and get close to our candidates and help them any way you can via this link...

5. Locate the TARGETED campaigns on the Endorsements lists featured at this link and concentrate national support behind these campaigns....

6. If you are within a few hours drive of Raleigh, do all you can to join us Friday night and bring others. We have just received exciting news that Congressional candidate Ilario Pantano, who is in a very close race against Democratic incumbent Mike McIntyre (D-NC-7) will be speaking at our casual attire BBQ dinner this Friday night. We have four candidates for Congress coming, including Congressman Walter Jones. We need you there, don't let us down. More details at...

Let's keep our energy and momentum high as we march to victory! Our opposition is in retreat and it is time for us to launch a final charge!



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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622

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