NOTE: Volunteers in or near Raleigh, NC are needed for our campaign support office. We are working to help candidates in all states! Please write to if you are interested in helping out as a volunteer in the final days before the elections. PLEASE ATTEND AND/OR SUPPORT Who: Congressman Walter Jones, Jr. (R-NC), ALIPAC President William Gheen, NC Listen's Ron Woodard, Congressional candidates B. J. Lawson and Bill Randall, NC State Senator Neil Hunt, many other candidates, ALIPAC supporters, Tea Party supporters, and hopefully you! What: Pre-election rally and dinner to generate interest in ALIPAC's endorsements and raise funds for our efforts. When: Friday, October 29, 2010, 6-7:30pm Where: Raleigh, NC at the Barbecue Lodge at 4600 Capital Blvd Admission: $25 per person at the door or for anyone donating via after Oct. 15th. You are invited to attend or support a dinner and rally being held in Raleigh, NC on Friday October 29th from 6-7:30pm. We realize that most of you are too far away, but if you live within a few hours of Raleigh, we need you with us that night! The brief speeches at this event will be recorded and uploaded for the nation to hear later that night. We hope you will come, invite and bring others, and support this event with a donation, even if you cannot be in the room with us. Our goal is to rally support and generate more interest in ALIPAC's endorsed candidates across the nation and to signal more voters that it is time to defeat Amnesty and illegal immigration in the 2010 elections! We will also be raising some of the funds we need to meet the unprecedented demands upon our organization this year due to intense interest and response from candidates and voters. Our keynote speaker will be Congressman Walter Jones, Jr. (R-NC-3) who has been a national leader in the fight against illegal immigration and Amnesty. Many of you will remember his efforts to free railroaded border patrol agents Ramos and Compean. Congressman Jones has been endorsed by ALIPAC since 2006 and we are very thankful he is coming to address our attendees and supporters across America at this event. ALIPAC's President, William Gheen will address the crowd, our candidates across the nation, and voters in every state who want to defeat Amnesty and illegal immigration in the 2010 elections. If you are an ALIPAC supporter out there working as a volunteer, William has a special pre-election message for you. We will also be joined by ALIPAC's top Republican challenger candidates in North Carolina. B. J. Lawson who is facing Congressman David Price (D-NC-4) and Bill Randall who is facing Congressman Brad Miller (D-NC-13) will be there to speak to the crowd live. Their speeches will be uploaded as podcast within minutes of their presentation. Both Congressmen David Price and Brad Miller are notorious supporters of Amnesty for illegal aliens and both are in danger of losing their seats this year due to their unpopular positions supporting illegals, instead of American citizens! We will have the perspective of ALIPAC endorsed candidates who are incumbents and challengers at this event. We will also have NC State Senator Neil Hunt with us to speak about how Republicans plan to file and pass an improved version of Arizona's SB1070 in North Carolina, if voters give conservatives control of the NC House or Senate this year. Democrats have ruled the NC legislature almost uninterrupted for over 136 years and this year they deserve to lose control. Republican candidates and caucuses in other states are promising voters a version of the Arizona law, if they give Republicans control of the state legislatures. Ron Woodard of the state group NC Listen will also address us along with James Johnson of NCFIRE. Illegal immigration is an issue that motivates voters to go to the polls during a low turnout midterm election. The amnesty supporters and the minority of Latino voters who support Amnesty are demoralized this year. Yet, we Americans of every race and party who represent the 80% of Americans opposed to illegal immigration and Amnesty are ready to throw out many of these DC insiders who have been representing illegal aliens and global corporations more than We The People of America! This event promises to be a historic event. It is only $25 per person and that covers your BBQ dinner and admission. You may bring cash or checks to the door or you may donate via and we will have a list at the door of anyone that has donated between Oct 15-29th. ALIPAC supporters from any state are welcome to support and or attend! We are also looking for event sponsors at the $100 (Silver), $250 (Gold), or $500 (Platinum) level. Sponsors will have the option of sitting at the leadership table during dinner and having their name on a card presented on each table. The room holds up to 110 people. If you would like to support or attend, please visit our secure online donations page now at... Please donate $25 per person attending, or your sponsorship amount, or your donation to support without attending. You can also sign up and invite your friends to this event using our Facebook event invitation page at....!/event.php?eid=159707447384215
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