Friends of ALIPAC, (SURVEY LINK AT END) We have received a lot of very passionate emails that disagree with ALIPAC's position that both illegal aliens and employers of illegal aliens such as Nikki Diaz and Meg Whitman should be held accountable in courts of American law. Many of those who have written say that we should not have called for Whitman's arrest because she has claimed to the media that she was duped by the illegal alien and that she has documents to prove that she was misled. Others say that we should not have called for the arrest of Meg Whitman despite her pro Amnesty positions because she faces a very liberal challenger in the race for Governor of California. Here is our official response to these concerns. As a large and diverse national organization, we realize that we will not all agree on every aspect of the illegal immigration issue. If anyone wants to withdraw their support for ALIPAC over a disagreement on one issue, that is their American right. However, clearly over a period of time the illegal aliens will win possession of America if too many people are willing to do that. We all need to stay unified on the grounds we do agree upon, regardless of minor disagreements over a candidate or two or an event or smaller issue. ALIPAC is not condemning both Diaz and Whitman, although it is fairly understood by all parties involved that Whitman did hire an illegal alien for 9 years and that is a violation of existing federal law. ALIPAC has called for arrests so that the courts can make the proper judgments on guilt or innocence in these matters. ALIPAC, the media, and California voters are not in the proper position to weigh Whitman's documents, claims, and alibis. To accept her mere claim of innocence without a trial would be similar to advocating that OJ Simpson not be charged with murder because he came out and told the press he did not do it after evidence suggested he did. Whitman being a Republican, or a better or worse candidate than Jerry Brown, should not triumph over our value for the lost principle of the Rule of Law in America. There are already many very wealthy and powerful people and corporations that don't believe they should abide by our existing border and immigration laws either. Should we allow them to continue to operate without concern of enforcement because some people support that? The Rule of Law means that all Americans or people on American soil are treated equally under the law and that nobody is immune to the law because they are wealthy, in the media, poor and downtrodden, white, black, brown, yellow, male, female, Republican, Democrat, or third party. ALIPAC supports the restoration of the Republic and the Rule of Law in America. These goals will never happen if Jerry Brown or Meg Whitman succeed with their mutual plans to turn millions of illegal aliens into new voters. If the Whitmans and the Browns of America succeed with their Amnesty agenda, the political wishes of most of the people reading this message will never matter in America again. Millions of American voters like us will be replaced and America will fall. The slaughter of thousands of innocent Americans each year and the theft of millions of our jobs and hundreds of billions of our tax dollars will escalate and there will be no peaceful political solution for these problems. While ALIPAC is calling on law enforcement and the courts to do their appropriate jobs in the Diaz and Whitman case, the most likely outcome is that both will be given special treatment just like President Obama's illegal alien aunt Zeutinin Onyango. In closing, for those of you that are tempted to leave our email list because ALIPAC said something critical about a Republican candidate you want to support, please consider this. Did id occur to you that Republican candidates across America are hearing of this and they are thinking two things? One, they are wondering if their employees are legal and they may take action to fix that. Two, the message of Meg Whitman and John McCain to all Republicans should be clear and if it is not clear we need you ALIPACers to make it clear to them. EVEN REPUBLICANS THAT PROMISE ILLEGALS AMNESTY STILL GET BACK-STABBED BY THEM SO YOUR BETTER CHOICE IS TO STAND WITH AMERICANS AND ABANDON SUPPORT FOR AMNESTY McCain, Romney, Huckabee, Whitman, Bush, Rove, Norquist, Armey, Giuliani, Rubio, etc... We hope that all of you will stand with ALIPAC in our call for both Whitman and Diaz to be treated equally under the law. The evidence that they both have violated America's existing border, immigration, and labor laws must be analyzed in the appropriate venue which is a court of law. We hope that all of you will stand with ALIPAC in support of the principle of the Rule of Law and our mission to save American lives, jobs, wages, security, property, and sovereignty from illegal immigration and from those like Whitman and Diaz that are fostering and encouraging the problem. My door, email box, and phone line is open to each of you that support our mission if you would like to speak with me further about these important issues. Sincerely, William Gheen President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966 Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864 FEC ID: C00405878 Feel free to comment online at...
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Sincerely, The ALIPAC Team Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC
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