| Friends of ALIPAC,
First and foremost our mission is to get as many voters, volunteers, and donations to our endorsed candidates as possible. It is up to the over 30,000 of you to step up to the plate.
If you do not realize that you must take action and combine your time and funds behind these candidates and that our only hope for a peaceful reversal of illegal immigration is in the elections in less than 60 days, then you only have a few days to understand that and react appropriately...
Please check our endorsements page often and make notes and print copies.
ALIPAC's 2010 Candidate Endorsements http://www.alipac.us/2010_campaign_endorsements.html
(Our Endorsements can also easily be found by following the large banners advertising our endorsements near the top of every page found at ALIPAC.us)
If you have questions about how you should go about volunteering, voting or donating to these campaigns, our ALIPAC activists stand ready 24/7 to answer questions and assist you at this link.... http://www.alipac.us/ftopicp-1112087.html#1112087
WARNING 1:Please write down the ALIPAC phone numbers and make notes about our other websites like www.WilliamGheen.com and www.EndIllegalImmigration.comin case our main website at ALIPAC.us is taken over by this legal shake down we face.
The attorney who is trying to sue us and many other online communities, like the Sharron Angle campaign and FreeRepublic. If we refuse to pay them off with thousands of dollars of your money, they have requested that the judge give them control of ALIPAC.us so they can shut us down and sell our domain name.
If this happens, it will be as if someone lobotomized the Internet taking out the largest memory segment on the topics of illegal immigration, DC lawmakers and immigration issues, campaigns and elections regarding amnesty, and much more.
IF ALIPAC.us goes down for more than two hours or a new website appears or a new message from the RightHaven groups try to take control of our website, then check our other websites for information or call our numbers at (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864 to try and locate further emergency instructions and information.
We plan to fight them every step of the way with all that we can muster, but please know they intend to either extort money or completely silence us and stop us from being able to reach you and others like you.
If you receive ALIPAC's notices via Twitter, Myspace, or Facebook then please make sure you sign up for our email alerts at www.ALIPAC.us
If you receive our email alerts, also consider joining us on Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter.
We need ALIPAC supporters to make sure we have at least 2 ways to contact you for the sake of your safety during this time.
Many of the 90% of you who have not donated to ALIPAC in 2010 should be hearing from our very limited number of volunteers in Raleigh by phone soon. Please be kind to our volunteers and try to help them. Unless more of you respond to our efforts to get you organized, our phone bank and our campaigns will fail.
We are trying to cut through some of the panic out there and get Americans better organized immediately!
We fully sympathize with all of the suffering that is going on among our supporters. It is as though an economic bomb has gone off and many are suffering, but we must get you organized and we must get you combining your time and funds behind this effort to support these candidates.
No matter how tough your circumstances may be at this time, please picture what life will be like if Obama turns more than 12 million illegals into voters and watch as the next wave of ten million illegals start landing in your front yard shortly thereafter.
Some of the emails like this one, or the calls you receive from our volunteers may end up being some of the last conversations you get to have on these matters if we fail.
You will not be asked to donate or volunteer to help campaigns and stop Amnesty anytime in the foreseeable future should this Amnesty pass, and this Amnesty will pass unless you stand up and unify and do what must be done before November 2!
Just voting will not be enough. Each of us must do more, each of us must sacrifice, and each of us must FOCUS!
Americans, you must get the message to "Move It or Lose It!"
Please stay focused on the campaigns and elections that need our help no matter what happens.
There are many things that may occur over the next sixty days. There could be further economic collapse, there could be a new terrorism attack, ALIPAC could be taken offline and have to rely on phones and mail, civil unrest could begin in America. DC politicians may try to distract you by pushing Dream Act Amnesty or Agjobs Amnesty legislation to draw your focus away from the elections.
Remember that these corrupt DC politicians and the billion dollar influence that has bought, paid, and sustained them, want the American public to be distracted from the election at all costs!
We intend to send you more information on how you can make sure your activism, volunteerism, and donations can have the maximum impact and influence soon.
In closing, while many daunting challenges face us as a nation, organization and individuals, please picture how good it will feel on November 3, 2010 if we make history the day before and sweep congress.
For things to improve for ourselves and all American citizens, Americans must retake control of our government through the elections that are being decided now.
Picture yourself watching videos or coming to DC with us for the swearing in of these new members of Congress in Jan 2011 when we are victorious and ready to start dismantling Obama's amnesty plans and the Open Borders Lobby traitors who have done this to our nation.
Victory is within our grasp and we don't want to lose this battle. The illegals are on the run and the pro Amnesty members of Congress are in retreat at this moment while an unprecedented number of candidates are saying they stand with us Against Amnesty.
Please take our suggestions to heart and help us get everyone on the same page, focused, and ready for action.
William Gheen AMERICANS FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION PAC www.alipac.us Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966 Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864 FEC ID: C00405878
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