Senator Reid Declares He Will Push DREAM Act Call Your Senators and Tell Them to Vote NO! In a press conference in the Capitol this afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced that he will offer the DREAM Act amnesty bill (S.729) as an amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization Bill. Action on this bill is expected as early as next week! (To see the video of Senator Reid’s press conference, click here.) Like previous versions of the DREAM Act, S.729 will grant amnesty to illegal aliens who entered the U.S. as minors and meet certain educational requirements or serve in the military. In particular, the bill grants immediate legal status to illegal aliens who have merely enrolled in an institution of higher education or have received a high school diploma. And, while S.729 conditions the ultimate granting of legal permanent residence status upon finishing two years at an institution of higher learning or two years in the military, the bill allows Homeland Security, “in the Secretary’s discretion,” to waive these requirements in their entirety upon the showing of hardship. In the press conference, Reid described the beneficiaries of this bill as “kids” and “boys and girls,” but S.729 allows illegal aliens up to the age of 35 to be eligible to receive amnesty and qualify for federal student loans. Moreover, S.729 also allows states to provide in-state tuition to illegal aliens—at a time when many Americans can’t afford to send their own students to college. Finally, as a result of S.729, those who receive amnesty may petition for their relatives to be admitted to the U.S. as soon as they reach the age of 21. (To read FAIR’s summary of the DREAM Act, click here.) We need your help!!! Call your Senators NOW and tell them to vote NO on the DREAM Act! Tell them: - You want immigration ENFORCEMENT, not another amnesty;
- Amnesty legislation rewards those who broke U.S. immigration laws and only encourages more illegal immigration;
- The DREAM Act unfairly allows illegal alien students to tap federal and state benefits, when those benefits are desperately needed by Americans who are struggling every day to make ends meet.
To find the phone numbers of your Senators, click here. Stay tuned to FAIR for more information. |
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