| Friends of ALIPAC, Things are moving so rapidly, it is hard to find time to pause and bring everyone up to speed. Yet, we need to let everyone know the details that transpired this past week with our stunning defeat of the Dream Act Amnesty and the massive amount of heat Mexico took in North Carolina over their issuance of bogus IDs to illegal aliens. First, last week's narrow defeat of the Dream Act Amnesty in the US Senate was a real cliff hanger. We came within a few votes of losing America to millions of illegal aliens who would become voters for simply claiming they were under 35, they came to America when they were young, and that they would join the military or go to college. College provided mostly at US taxpayer expense through in-state tuition subsidies and with elevated admission considerations over other students due to minority status. ALIPAC helped to rally enough people rapidly to saturate US Senate offices with calls, however we have been told by DC sources that the illegals were very close to matching our calls 40/60. While most offices indicated a majority of calls were against the Dream Act Amnesty, we no longer enjoyed the 50 to 1 dominance we had three years ago due to the massive and expensive political machinery now assembled around the invaders and their supporters.
The Dream Act Amnesty pushers now have the open support of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the current U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. For those Americans out there who watched the latest Dream Act Amnesty battle without taking action, or heard about it after the voting, please observe what we all learned here. 1. Americans can win and we did win and we can win again. Those of you who think America or Americans are already defeated need to reassess your thinking and realize that our nation's enemies want you to be defeated in your own minds. 2. If you are waiting for Fox News, Drudge Report, and other major media sources to start sounding the alarm bells for you before you bother to donate or volunteer, then you are a beaten already. This recent skirmish with the Dream Act was won because of the new media and websites, and groups like ALIPAC and NumbersUSA. You need to take action when we alert you and this recent episode shows you cannot wait on the Main Stream Media. If you do, you will be hearing about Amnesty, AFTER IT PASSES AND YOU HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY REPLACED IN AMERICAN ELECTIONS BY ILLEGAL ALIENS. We just showed we can win without the MSM doing their job, as they should, thanks to those Americans who responded to our calls. 3. Harry Reid and others are trying to energize illegal aliens and their supporters for the elections. This suggests they plan to vote the illegals against us. They are showing desperation and they have made a huge tactical mistake that favors our side by increasing the prominence of immigration issues this close to election day. Now that we have won a round and they have lost a round, we advance on them to capitalize off of our momentum and their morale dive. ALIPAC pulled the conversation into the campaign offices, which gave us almost exclusive contact with those offices. When our ALIPAC supporters started grilling campaign staffers about Dream Act, the illegals and their ranks were nowhere to be found. We sent campaign staff digging for information on how American voters felt about Dream Act and this reached the ears of the Senators. Your donation to ALIPAC helped us launch an online ad campaign, the first of its kind, to help generate more calls against the Dream Act. Our existing candidate endorsement programs allowed us to quickly identify 14 more US Senate candidates who took open stances against the Dream Act. Our national press releases announcing new endorsements for these candidates got noticed in Washington. We are now up to 151 Federal candidates who have given us strong indications they are on the American side against this invasion... ALIPAC's Current 2010 Endorsements http://www.alipac.us/2010_campaign_endorsements.html We are glad that our new strategy helped defeat Dream Act Amnesty again. We have other new tactics and strategies that we are rolling out into the election cycle starting tomorrow. Please be ready to rumble Monday morning! Many of you are still scratching your heads about why Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) voted NO on Cloture for his own bill! I admit, I almost fell out of my seat when I heard that as well. It appears that Reid is using another Senate procedural trick so he can bring the Dream Act Amnesty legislation back quickly, if he votes with the winning side on a Cloture vote. Many people on our side believe that Reid and his band of traitors will bring Dream Act Amnesty and many other bills up in the Lame Duck session, after the November 2 elections, but before their replacements are sworn in early in 2011. Harry Reid offers voters yet another example of how he is willing to say or do anything to advance his illegal alien supporting agenda, including voting No on his own bill to exploit the rules of the Senate. Senator Menedez (D-NJ) recently told the media that he knew many Senators would be defeated on November 2 and they were hoping that many of them would be willing to pass Dream Act Amnesty on their way out because they would no longer have to take politics into consideration. Translation: They are hoping they will stick daggers into America's heart to scuttle the ship on their way off the plank! Clearly, we will have more major battles this year so we must be ready to fight in new ways. The Mexican consulate here in NC has a new chief. They have sent in Carlos Flores Vizcarra from Arizona to provide a more high level and seasoned commander for the invasion in our sector. It appears that the invasion plans have hit unexpected fierce political resistance here in the Carolinas so they have sent in Carlos Flores Vizcarra! Last month, our friends like James Johnson with NCFIRE, mounted a public pressure campaign on the community college in Fayetteville, NC, where they were going to host the Mexican consulate mobile vans, which we call "invasion vans". NCFIRE's calls led to the Community College canceling the plans of the Mexican consulate to provide bogus IDs, in the form of Matricula Consular cards, to illegal aliens! The invasion vans are rolling in most of your states too! They go around setting up shop in our schools, in our colleges, and then their Spanish language radio stations and newspapers call for Mexican citizens who are legal and illegal to come in to buy services. Legal immigrants and American citizens already have many forms of proper and secure ID, so only illegal aliens have a need to pay Mexico $30 for the worthless, unverified, and unsecured Matricula cards! That's what makes the use of an American High School to run this document mill, which violates Federal Laws that Bush and now Obama are failing to enforce so outlandish! We want to thank NCFIRE, NC Listen, ALIPAC supporters, We The People, NC Freedom, Randy's Right, and the new Tea Party and 9/12 groups that showed up Saturday. There were about 25 of us and that was an excellent turnout for an event planned with less than 48 hours notice! While we were not able to get the Cabarrus County School board to cancel this event on short notice we did accomplish the following objectives. 1. Our visibility to cars passing by and new Facebook advertising campaigns made many Concord citizens aware of what was going on and from the early feedback we have gathered, most local taxpayers are upset with the Cabarrus County School Board and Administrators at Concord High who made this event happen. Many folks like us in the local area plan to pursue this matter locally to assure the Mexican Consulate never steps foot on the campus of Concord High again! 2. Cabarrus High School and the Mexican consulate received negative press coverage on 4 TV Stations, about 4 Talk Radio stations, and in two NC newspapers. Many local bloggers and blog talk radio folks are covering this incident as well. People up and down the state were talking about this. The days of the invasion vans rolling around NC in silence are over and the silence has been shattered with rising public awareness. 3. We sent a very clear message to Mexico, Carlos Flores Vizcarra, and many of the illegal alien supporters that public opposition and activism against the invasion of our state is going to a whole new level. This is the beginning of the end and the invasion, which is already reversing in NC, will be repelled. We even learned some new and exciting things at this event. 1. You should have seen the hundreds of vehicles coming into the Concord, High School parking lot. Apparently, invading America is quite lucrative. Expensive new vehicle after expensive new vehicle rolled in. These were not just poor migrant workers enduring terrible economic hardship. We saw more SUVs, oversize trucks, and sports cars that retail for over $20,000 new than you will see at any American event, fairground, church, festival, etc... 2. Inside the high school they were selling the worthless Matricula cards to illegals and criminals seeking new ID, and they were also filling out paperwork to turn US anchor babies into Mexican citizens too! That's right folks! Mexican citizens who have a baby on US soil, who is considered an American are registering those children as dual citizens with Mexico, at these consulate events. And the final and most shocking feature was all the motor voter legislation and voter registration forms were being handed out. Yes, they were giving illegals IDs, making their kids Mexican citizens, and registering legal and illegal immigrants, which are prohibited by Federal law to register to vote. While the registration forms have a box at the top to check and statement at the bottom to sign claiming you are a US Citizen, nobody at the NC Elections Board is checking to see, if new registrants are legal or not! 3. Speaking of nice vehicles, the Charlotte Spanish language radio station 106.1 LA RAZA sent in three expensive vans and a Humvee painted with their station logo "La Raza" translation 'The Race". One of their employees named Jorges tried to antagonize our crowd making racially derogatory comments about white Americans, accusing everyone of racism, all while wearing a T-shirt with LA RAZA 'The Race' on the back. When I confronted him about his racism, he stopped playing the race card as much but he claimed that even I and my black friends could join La Raza. How very creative. That guy is a liar but he thought if he was bold enough and aggressive enough he could stand against us. I sent him packing back inside the consulate, but this guy kept coming back until I made it very clear to him that his efforts were futile and that he needed to seek new employment soon. If anyone locally knows that guy's full name, send it our way. He was so disgraceful that he kept bringing up the recent murder of the Concord Chief of police's daughter saying "look an American killed her" I told him that he needed to stop bringing up that unrelated crime especially since the Chief's officers were observing and the entire community in Concord is grieving that terrible crime. This illegal alien supporter from 106.1 was foaming at the mouth trying to use that local high profile murder to his advantage, but he stopped when I told him his attempt to exploit that case was outlandish an an affront to the officers near us and the community grieving community of Concord, NC. We need to find out who owns 106.1 because that station is putting a lot of vehicles, staff, and money behind the illegal aliens because if illegal immigration continues to reverse, there will be no market for Spanish language newspapers and radio stations in America. Spanish speaking illegal aliens are leaving and legal Hispanic immigrants will assimilate and learn English if our side prevails. But clearly at this time Americans are being rapidly impoverished while the invaders are being fueled with big money! So we learned that illegal aliens plan to vote in our 2010 elections! It was great to meet and spend time with so many concerned citizens who are already receiving ALIPAC's emails, and it was great to meet more people through the 9/12 and Tea Party groups who are joining ALIPAC today, after this successful event in Concord. Those of you who are willing to go to events on the ground with short notice are golden activists and you will be needed again soon. We even had candidates running for local public office show up on our side and we found that many in the American press and local police forces favor our side although they must maintain the integrity of their positions with both sides. I hope that our efforts here will inspire others in many states to link up with ALIPAC and NCFIRE to start resisting the invasion vans in all states. As of today we have 36 days till election day. Don't start a political revolution unless you plan to finish it. We plan to finish it and we must wipe these illegal alien supporters off the political map in DC. To stop them from passing Amnesty in the lame duck session, we must win big! We must win so big that Congress fears major public demonstrations and reversal of their legislation, if they even try it! ALIPAC has new plans and strategies that will be rolled out Monday morning. We need you ready to give this all you can. We need you ready to respond quickly and to work together as a team of thousands of Americans moving as one. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel now and there is a way we can move to check mate the invasion lobby in a few more moves, if we work hard enough. This is going to be a rough ride but we can come out the other side of November 2nd with Comprehensive and Dream Act Amnesty plans in shambles and ruin, more illegals on the run out of America, and the White House facing a new Congress that will be willing to do whatever it takes to secure America's borders and end the slaughter of thousands of Americans each year at the hands of illegal aliens. If we can reach that point, then we can start looking into putting many of these traitors on trial for all of the death and destruction their invasion plans have caused innocent Americans. In closing, we know that many illegal alien supporters read our email alerts and this transmission will be on the desks of every major Amnesty supporting group by Monday morning. There's something I want them to hear from me that I told the Spanish media activists who showed up with their expensive Spanish language radio station vans in Concord. Mark my words, your Amnesty plans will fail, the American Republic will be restored and secured, illegals are going home, and those of you at the top are going to be brought to justice for this attempt to invade and overthrow our freedom loving nation. Those of you that are smart should start making plans to abandon your posts, find new employment, and find new vocations that do not involve flooding America with illegal immigrants and trying to turn them into voters. You can feel the tide has turned and those of you willing to fight for the invaders against Americans till the very last will face justice. Come on America! We have a revolution to conduct! Let's route our enemies and keep them on the run all the way through! Please be ready to respond Monday morning and come with us on the road to victory! William Gheen President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) www.alipac.us
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