Friends of ALIPAC, Our activists are working hard to assemble activism campaigns for the states. While we have more state lawmakers that oppose amnesty and illegal immigration than ever before, the illegals and their team are still trying to push their agenda. We are already tracking important legislation designed to crack down on illegal immigration in 18 states! So far, our side is progressing with legislation in 2011 in Kentucky, Colorado, Indiana, New York, West Virginia, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Oregon, Wyoming, Tennessee, Maryland, Mississippi, Texas, South Carolina, Nebraska, Michigan, and Virginia. Are you ready to make the calls, and send the emails, faxes, and letters required to get your state on the list? Are you ready to focus and use ALIPAC strategies to pass bills that will put illegal immigrants on the run in your state in 2011? ...
Here is our tracking list. Please review our work and check back often. Please help us monitor the news in your state to add information to this area. ALIPAC 2011 State Battle lists (Growing daily) ----- JOIN US FOR HISTORIC EVENTS IN NC THIS WEDNESDAY! The Democratic leadership that has blocked the vast majority of bills designed to save American lives, property, and jobs in NC from illegal aliens has fallen. For the first time in 150 years, Republicans will take control of both houses of the NC General Assembly on Wednesday Jan. 26. Though the weather may be cold and wet, please join us on this historic day for an event on the Halifax Mall between 11am and 1pm. We have a real chance now to pass a stronger version of Arizona's illegal immigration crackdown bill SB 1070 here in NC. ALIPAC's speech and message at this event will be directed at all state efforts coast to coast!
EVENT January 26th, 2011 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM NC Legislative Building 16 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601 ( 919) 733-7928 & Halifax Mall (one block north of the Legislative Building) Speakers Frank Ragsdale Robin Hayes Frank Perry William Gheen Laura Long Joe Taylor David DeGerolamo Main Sponsor Moccasin Creek Minutemen Co-Sponsors ALIPAC Asheville Tea Party Chatham County KTM Cherokee County 912 Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum North Durham (NC) Republicans Fairtax Feet to the Fire (FTTF) - 4th District Hendersonville 912 Independence Caucus Katy's Conservative Corner NC Fire NCFreedom NC Listen NC Rangers NC TEA Party NC Tea Party Revolution Randy's Right SilenceDogood2010 Sweet Tea & Livermush Triangle Conservatives Unite Wayne County Tea Party We The People-NC WhatBubbaKnows Wilson NC Tea Party Winston-Salem 912 The ALIPAC Team
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