Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Join Us for a Historic Event Tomorrow

Friends of ALIPAC,

Wednesday, January 26, 2010, will be a truly historic day in North Carolina and across America in which citizens fighting against illegal immigration in every state can participate.

The Democratic leadership that has dominated the NC Legislature for almost 150 years has fallen and Republicans will take the helm. While ALIPAC's efforts are bipartisan, the Democratic leadership in NC has blocked most of our state level immigration enforcement legislation over the last six years. They also provided lots of taxpayer funded benefits for illegal aliens and that is one of the top reasons NC voters threw them out!

We have a new opportunity here and in many other states to pass sweeping state level immigration enforcement legislation.

ALIPAC's President, William Gheen, will be speaking to the state and nation by presenting a speech during these historic events along with several Republican, Tea Party, and citizen activism groups.

William will be on stage with other great speakers on the Halifax Mall just outside the NC General Assembly tomorrow Wednesday Jan. 26, 2011, from 10-12 noon. The new NC lawmakers will be sworn in around 12 noon.

William Gheen's speech and messages to state and Federal lawmakers across America will be recorded and immediately broadcast on the web.

ALIPAC will also be issuing a national press release in the morning that will define our goals and messages regarding state legislation for every state in America as well as in DC!

For many years now, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) has played a lead role providing Americans with effective strategies and messages in the fight against illegal immigration.

The press release and activist instructions you will receive Wednesday will set the tone for our 2011 operations.

If you are within traveling distance of Raleigh, NC please feel free to come join us on this historic day. Dress warmly and bring an umbrella. Appropriate flags and signs are welcome, wooden poles and supports only.

NC General Assembly Rally with ALIPAC and other groups

Remember to plan extra time for traffic and parking.

If you are too far away to attend, please be ready to spring into action tomorrow.

You will receive a press release, activist instructions, and other materials designed to help you turn 2011 into a very successful year for those of us who want our existing immigration and border laws enforced.

William Gheen's speech at this historic event will be uploaded to the nation for you to send to your state and federal lawmakers.

Please make time in your schedule to take action with us on these matters!


PS: More immigration enforcement bills are being filed in more states thanks to your efforts! Please monitor and report at this link where we track our state law activism...

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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622

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