Here are some of the more notable accomplishments of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) in 2010! Each year we provide this list of our major successes to our supporters for review.
ALIPAC's 2010 Accomplishments In 2010 ALIPAC...
-- Played a central and decisive role in defeating the DREAM ACT Amnesty legislation in the US Senate for the 6th and 7th times in 2010. ALIPAC strategies were cited by Amnesty supporters as hindering the passage of bills that would have turned millions of illegal aliens into competitive workers, students and voters! -- Helped to pass and defend Arizona's historic SB 1070 illegal immigration crackdown legislation, and then became the first national organization to focus on spreading the bill to other states with lawmakers in 22 states now planning to file the legislation in 2011. -- Endorsed and supported a historic number of Federal candidates (205) who supported immigration and border enforcement in the 2010 elections. We endorsed more candidates, helped more candidates win, and sent in more donations, volunteers, and voters than ever before. ALIPAC now has 137 members of the US Congress and Senate we supported in the elections of 2010! -- Continues to build and maintain the largest archive of information about illegal immigration in existence! Delivered over 49 million viewed pages of information about illegal immigration via our primary website at in 2010. Our total pages delivered since 9/11/2004 now exceeds 226 million. -- Was quoted or interviewed on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and CBS along with several major daily newspapers and over 50 talk radio shows in 2010. -- Has now delivered over 3.8 million video views via our ALIPAC1 Youtube account which has 1767 subscribers. -- Became the most supported national organization fighting illegal immigration in the new social media in 2009. In 2010 we rose to over 13,000 followers on Twitter and an astounding new level of over 26,000 supporters on Facebook! -- Raised awareness about voter fraud and illegal alien voters. ALIPAC's President was invited to appear as the first guest of Election Day 2010 in the studio with Fox News on November 2, 2010. -- Defended Tea Party groups against false accusations of racism launched by illegal alien Amnesty supporting groups like the National Council of La Raza (aka NCLR and 'The Race') and the NAACP. -- Spoke at 3 major Tea Party events on April 15, 16, and 17 in TX, TN, and SC to over 25,000 combined Tea Party supporters. The Houston, Texas, 'Revolution Now America' speech was influential in the 2010 elections. The South Carolina speech hit amnesty-supporting RINO US Senator Lindsey Graham hard, sending him into damage control mode. Graham backed away from the negotiating table with President Obama and Janet Napolitano five days after William Gheen's historic speech. -- Monitored and advised supporters about illegal alien riots and clashes with police in Los Angeles following the police shooting of an illegal alien brandishing a bloody knife. -- Received favorable media coverage across America regarding ALIPAC's call for Obama to open safe exit points to facilitate the growing numbers of illegal immigrants trying to leave America in reaction to the bad economy and increased immigration enforcement on the state level. -- Played a lead role in defeating state legislation designed to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens in New Jersey -- Increased ALIPAC's direct supporter levels from over 30,000 to over 35,000 in 2010. This strong growth shows rising interest in both ALIPAC and stopping and reversing illegal immigration. NOTE: All ALIPAC claims and accomplishments can be easily verified by the documentation found at that is sent to our e-mail alert subscribers. Past accomplishments... ALIPAC's 2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ALIPAC's Accomplishments in 2008 ALIPAC's 2007 Accomplishments! ALIPAC's 2006 Accomplishments
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