| Support Our Struggle Today |
Friends of ALIPAC, After playing deep defense against Amnesty since Obama was elected, we have a brief window of opportunity to go on offense against illegal immigration and those who support illegal immigration and Amnesty. We have been working hard on these plans that will now be unveiled in sections. You asked us to stop amnesty, and we did. You asked us to stand up for Arizona and other states passing immigration enforcement legislation, and we have! Now we need you to take action as contributors and volunteers to help make 2011 a year where more illegal aliens leave America than enter! Today ALIPAC is launching our first critical funds drive of 2011! We must raise $40,000 by March 1 to meet our minimal operations budget and to fund special projects. Please visit our secure online donations page to contribute at this link... http://www.alipac.us/content-9.html If you prefer to donate by check in the mail, our address is: ALIPAC PO Box 30966 Raleigh, NC 27622 Please save the dates of February 19-24 as ALIPAC is planning a "Take Back DC" citizen lobbying effort in Washington next month. You will be invited to participate with us in Washington or from home. We will also be announcing our new legislative agendas for Washington and the states, accompanied by our new strategies for the states. Over the past few years, you have watched ALIPAC lead the way in citizen activism in the states to pass enforcement legislation, while blocking bills designed to benefit illegal aliens. In 2011 we stand a chance to make unprecedented gains in the states! You will receive more information about these strategies and events soon. In 2011, we can go on the offense and have the upper hand, if we act quickly and decisively. Sincerely, William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team www.alipac.us PS: Please remember that we need a strong response on our official funds drive. We've shown you we get the job done efficiently and on a tight budget. Please lend your support using this link right away... http://www.alipac.us/content-9.html
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