When I saw the news, I knew I had to write you immediately. By now you've heard of President Obama's illegal alien aunt, Zeituni. Aunt Zeituni entered the US from Kenya in 2000. An immigration judge ordered her to leave in 2004. But she defied the court, ran off and later went on public assistance. She now enjoys taxpayer-provided housing and entitlement benefits. Here's what Obama's Aunt Zeituni just told a Boston TV station during an interview: "If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen." And when the interviewer questioned her about coming here illegally and receiving taxpayer-funded benefits without paying into the system, she shot back: "I did not take advantage of the system, the system took advantage of me." Shockingly, the same judge who ordered Aunt Zeituni to leave the U.S. has now granted her asylum - even though she's given no credible reason to be granted asylum status. And despite her utter contempt for our laws and our immigration system since coming to America. So while millions of law-abiding American citizens have lost their jobs and their houses, Aunt Zeituni cashes her checks and then enjoys the ride at taxpayer expense. It must be nice to have a special friend in the White House! (The President says he didn't intervene personally, and I, for one, believe him.) But the sad fact is that Aunt Zeituni's flagrant abuse of the asylum system is just the tip of the iceberg. As I write you this letter, Somalian foreign nationals are entering the U.S. through a complicated route across several countries -- and then they vanish without a trace. You read that right. According to news station KPBS in San Diego, the Somalis first head to Kenya, where they buy fake passports. Then they fly to Castro's Cuba and later Central America. From there, smugglers truck them into Mexico. Once the Somalis arrive in Mexico, they allegedly surrender themselves to immigration officials. The officials provide them with expulsion documents based off their fake passports. Then with those papers in hand, the Somalis fly to Tijuana, Mexico, walk across our border and demand political asylum from U.S. immigration agents. After they spend a month or two in custody, they're granted asylum…and then just disappear. Here are some crucial things for you to consider: - According to terrorism expert, Chris Harnisch, the average Somali earns less than $2 a day. But the trip from Somalia to the U.S. costs around $60,000.
- Somalia is home to Al Shabaab, a terror group with close ties to Al Qaeda.
- Al Shabaab actively recruits Somalis living in the U.S. to fight in its war for control of Somalia. Plus Al Shabaab is suspected of conducting two suicide bombings in Uganda that killed 64 people watching the World Cup this summer (NY Times, Aug. 5, 2010)
- Al Shabaab has threatened to attack the United States.
These dangerous abuses of our refugee asylum system threaten American jobs and American lives. The time to act is now. FAIR is fighting hard with passion, facts and figures on asylum abuse through our research, media and government relations teams. We're shining the spotlight on the Obama Administration's blatant disregard for the rule of law and the safety of American citizens. We're working to find ways to stop asylum abuse through Congress. We're frequently on national TV to debunk the lies of the open borders professionals. We defend common sense immigration reform on talk radio shows from coast to coast. We write articles for newspapers and magazines that are seen all over the country. And we even debate in person at colleges and universities. We here at FAIR do all this in order to shut down asylum abuse and insure that asylum is provided only for real refugees who are fleeing actual danger. But the fact is we can't reach enough American taxpayers and lawmakers without your vital help today. As you can see, American jobs and American lives are on the line. So please help FAIR move forward aggressively to block asylum abuse by giving towards our critically important research, media outreach and government watchdog efforts right away. Your contribution is crucial to our success. So please continue to stand with FAIR by making your vital contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more right away. Your tax-deductible gift of a critical $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford to make now is absolutely vital if we're going to make the maximum impact. Join the FAIR fight - let me hear from you today. Sincerely,  Dan Stein, President P.S. The clock is ticking. Be part of the solution to America's immigration crisis by making your vital contribution of at least a crucial $25 or $50 immediately. I'm counting on you. Thank you so much! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  You can support FAIR via tax-deductible contributions at our donation page or mail to FAIR at 25 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 330, Washington DC 20001 Federation for American Immigration Reform © Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. |