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Friends of ALIPAC,
WARNING: This video will upset many of you.
VIDEO Anti-White, Anti--American, Anti-Arizona SB 1070 protesters desecrate the American Flag
Thank you for the many donations and wave of support for ALIPAC! We are now closing in on our goals, please help us keep the momentum going. We found some online road blocks in our email delivery system and we will address these shortly!
We just received permission from to release this video from Phoenix AZ on July 31! ALIPAC is sending this out via national press release now.
Please take immediate action to help our efforts ...
1. Watch this video 2. Send it to others 3. Embed it or post links into our copy on websites and blogs as well as on Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace. 4. Send copies of this video to your favorite media contacts such as FOX, CNN, Rush, Savage, etc... 5. Please make supportive comments beneath this video 6. Please vote thumbs up and add this video to your Favorites.
By doing as we ask, you can encourage huge numbers of Americans to view this video and help them to understand the true anti-American and racist nature of many illegal aliens and Comprehensive Amnesty supporters.
VIDEO Anti-White, Anti-American, Anti-Arizona SB 1070 protesters desecrate the American Flag
Let's get the truth out to America before it is too late!
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