Friends of ALIPAC,
We are sad to report that John McCain has won the GOP primary in Arizona and is now the highly likely winner in November. He will soon abandon his tough talk on border security and be back to supporting Amnesty very soon.
Here are the latest numbers....
Jim Deakin 38579 11% J.D. Hayworth 99498 30% John McCain 199060 59%
We spoke with a lot of Arizona voters over the last week. Many did not know McCain's true immigration positions. Others assured us they believed John McCain had changed this time. Others were just so mad at JD Hayworth, after being bombarded with 21 million dollars worth of negative advertising.
Hayworth was very close to McCain at first, but two things happened that really elevated McCain. One, McCain's campaign released a copy of an infomercial JD Hayworth did advertising "free" government grant money. This ad sent JD's numbers tumbling.
I can understand why Conservatives were upset about the infomercial JD did, even JD admitted it was a mistake and apologized. But those Republican voters who acted like that infomercial was worse than John McCain trying to turn over 12 million illegals into voters were mistaken. JD's infomercial indiscretions will not harm others. John McCain's Amnesty plan will cost Americans trillions of dollars, tens of thousands of lives, and possibly our entire nation.
Also, as Hayworth's negatives were played up by the McCain and Deakin camps, John McCain's "Traitor on a string" Jim Deakin siphoned off enough of the anti-incumbent votes for JD to get close enough to McCain for Americans to rally for him.
The Globalists that run America pulled out every dirty trick and every resource. They outspent JD 10 to 1, lied about him, and filed the vote splitter Jim Deakin.
Three days before the primary, Freedomworks leader and aspiring ruler of the Tea Party Movement, Dick Armey, attacked JD Hayworth on national television.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who was close to losing her seat until she became a hero by signing Arizona's SB 1070 into law and arguing against Obama, threw her support behind John McCain. So did Sarah Palin who still supports a path to citizenship amnesty for illegals like McCain, according to her most recent comments on the matter in 2008.
Fox News, owned by Newscorp owner Rupert Murdoch, had John McCain on the air about every other day. So did talk radio show host Sean Hannity who works for Newscorp. Billionaire Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch supports Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty just like John McCain.
So McCain got favorable free press on Fox, while JD Hayworth was ignored and John McCain will now be the US Senator from Arizona for the next six years.
We did all we could afford to do and our hats are off to all of the ALIPAC supporters who worked hard and contributed to the effort to try and defeat John McCain to stop his Amnesty plan of turning 12-20 million illegal aliens into voters.
While this battle has been lost, the war is far from over.
We concede nothing to John McCain and his Amnesty ally President Obama. We are going to fight them both every inch of the way as long as they continue to pursue this agenda to overthrow the American Republic using illegal alien invaders.
The illegal immigration issue is alive and well in the Congressional campaigns and we now must all work together to get as many congressional candidates as possible to oppose the destructive plans of these Global aristocrats.
We wish that more Republicans in Arizona had joined the political revolution that so many Americans are hoping for this year. It is a darn shame that they are reelecting a corrupt sellout DC insider like John McCain, at a time when America is suffering so much.
We fought well and we fought hard and we did our part as best we could.
Now, let's get ready for the next round on November 2nd, when we have to get more of our people into office.
There are so many different things that affect the outcome of an individual race like McCain Vs. Hayworth, but by the time we get to Nov. 2nd, we will have hundreds of candidates on our side taking on incumbents.
Keep the faith!
William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team
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