Please take just a moment to read this important letter right away. Because you have a right to know what really happened with the recent judicial ruling about Arizona’s new law, SB1070 – and what it means for you. I also ask you to stand with FAIR by making a crucial donation now of at least a vital $50 or whatever you can afford. Time is of the essence. Here’s why: The open borders, mass amnesty crowd in the ACLU, La Raza, SEIU and their friends in the Obama Administration want to spin U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton’s decision as a defeat for you and me. But that simply isn’t true. Because Judge Bolton’s decision on July 28 is a step forward for us – a step forward for securing our borders in order to defend American lives and American jobs. Please let me explain. Judge Bolton rejected the Obama Administration’s arrogant claim that only the federal government can enforce immigration laws. You see, the Department of Justice demanded that Judge Bolton throw out all of SB1070 because they say enforcement of immigration law belongs exclusively to the federal government. But instead, Judge Bolton let several important parts of SB1070 go into effect on July 29. These include sections cracking down on: - Sanctuary cities
- Employment of illegal aliens
- Human smuggling
Plus, Judge Bolton let stand the section that insures citizens can take legal action against cities and agencies that block immigration enforcement. And by letting those parts of SB1070 go into effect, Judge Bolton has sent a crystal clear message to the Obama Administration: States aren’t obligated to play along with the Obama immigration ploy of “we won’t enforce the law; and neither can you.” With this ruling, Judge Bolton concedes that local governments have an important role to play in immigration enforcement. This is a critical victory for concerned Americans like you and me. And the time to build on that victory is right now. Tens of millions of Americans alarmed and angered about border security simply don’t know that the Obama Administration’s main attack against SB1070 just suffered a serious setback. FAIR can help educate and mobilize those everyday Americans if we just have the urgently needed resources. Of course, we’re disappointed that Judge Bolton temporarily blocked other vital parts of SB1070 from being enforced by Arizona police officers and sheriff’s deputies. But while the opinion of one unelected federal judge can, unfortunately, delay the carrying out of protections urgently needed by Arizonans -- she won’t have the final word. And I’m confident the fight will be vigorous at the court of appeals -- and confident those parts of SB1070 will ultimately be upheld. That’s one reason why FAIR Field Representatives and grassroots volunteers aren’t discouraged. In fact, they’re fired up to push hard for Arizona-type reform in cities and states across America. Not only will this ruling help Arizonan activists and lawmakers move forward and focus their efforts on the remaining core issues. But it’s encouraging lawmakers and citizen activists in over 20 other states to push for Arizona-type reforms with powerful momentum. We know now we can defeat the Obama Administration’s main argument against state enforcement of immigration law. But that’s not all: - Nationwide polls show massive grassroots support for cracking down on illegal immigration to protect American lives and jobs.
- E-Verify laws that stop illegal aliens from taking jobs from law-abiding Americans are growing in popularity.
- And state and federal lawmakers are feeling more heat from voters to end “birth tourism” and other abuses of the 14th Amendment used to grant citizenship to illegal aliens.
You and I must strike while the iron is hot! My staff here at FAIR and at our legal affiliate, the Immigration Reform Law Institute, are working hard right now to make even greater gains for effective, common sense immigration reform in each crucial battle mentioned above. Please help us do that by making your vital contribution right away of $50, $100, $250, $500 or whatever can you afford. Your past support has enabled FAIR media staff to defend the people of Arizona and SB1070 with non-stop media interviews on TV, radio, print and the Internet that have reached hundreds of thousands – sometimes millions – of citizens. Your gifts have helped fuel our research staff’s cutting edge studies that provide facts and figures to taxpayers and lawmakers – and empower our governmental relations staff to know what legislation is headed from Washington, DC to your front door. That’s why your special contribution of $50 or more made now is critically important. Without it, our action teams in the field, media, research and government watchdog efforts won’t have the resources we need to fight for your right to real immigration reform. We must move forward with the fights at hand… …we must prepare for another possible push for amnesty from Congress just a short time from now… …and guard against a possible attempt by the Obama Administration to make an end-run around Congress with “amnesty by regulation.” You are the key to FAIR’s ongoing success. So please contribute generously now. Thank you so much for your support and concern. Sincerely,  Dan Stein, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  You can support FAIR via tax-deductible contributions at our donation page or mail to FAIR at 25 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 330, Washington DC 20001 Federation for American Immigration Reform © Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. |
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