For Immediate National Release
August 27, 2010
CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) (866) 703-0864
ALIPAC is issuing new endorsements today for congressional candidates that oppose illegal immigration and any form of Amnesty in California, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Florida.
Today's endorsements follow 21 new endorsements issued on Tuesday.
The new endorsements are in support of Congressman Gary Miller in California's 42nd district, GOP challenger Don Volaric who is running against incumbent Sander Levin in Michigan's 12th district, Dennis Ross who is a Republican candidate running for an open seat in Florida's 12th district, and Roger Roth a GOP Primary candidate running in Wisconsin's 8th district.
"We are happy these four gentlemen have chosen to represent the vast majority of American voters that favor immigration enforcement instead of any form of Amnesty for illegal immigrants," said William Gheen President of ALIPAC. "We are asking our national supporters to volunteer and contribute to these campaigns to support our growing list of candidates that will stop Obama's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty plans."
These new endorsements supported by ALIPAC now bring the total number of candidates to 124.
ALIPAC's 2010 Federal Candidate Endorsements
These four candidates received early endorsements because they completed ALIPAC's 2010 Federal Candidate survey. Their answers are displayed online with their listing.
Congressman Gary Miller has signed the ALIPAC pledge to "use the full power of (his) office, including impeachment if necessary, to insure the Executive Branch secures America's borders immediately and begins to adequately enforce the existing immigration and border laws of the United States". Miller has received the endorsement of several groups that advocate border security and immigration enforcement and has now earned a prestigious A rating from NumbersUSA.
Challenger Don Volaric has indicated he will oppose any form of Amnesty or path to citizenship for illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. because allowing them to become voters would destroy future immigration enforcement efforts. He is running against Congressman Sander Levin who has earned a deplorable F rating at NumbersUSA due to his support for "Amnesty Enticements" and other rewards for illegal immigrants. Congressman Sander Levin is on the record in DC as supporting in-state tuition and health care reform bill benefits for illegal aliens. Both measures are opposed by the greater majority of American voters who reject taxpayer benefits for illegals.
Dennis Ross is running for an open seat in Florida's 12th district. He has provided nearly perfect answers to ALIPAC's survey and signed the pledge. Ross's Democratic opponent, Lori Edwards, failed to respond to ALIPAC's request for a completed candidate survey. A failure to respond to the survey is often an indication that a candidate supports Amnesty for illegal aliens and does not want that fact documented for voters to see.
Roger Roth is a candidate in the GOP Primary in Wisconsin's 8th district who has served in Iraq with our Air National Guard. Roth's campaign is seeking distinction for being tough on illegal immigration and border security. As a member of the Wisconsin Assembly, Roth supported legislation that required state prisons to enroll in the 287(g) programs to detect and deport dangerous illegal aliens and as well as a bill mandating English as the state's official language.
One of Roger Roth's opponents, Reid Ribble, made comments while still president of the National Roofers Contractors Association stating he supported the McCain-Kennedy immigration bill that would have paved the way for amnesty. ALIPAC hopes that GOP voters in Wisconsin's 8th district will reject Reid despite his massive funding advantage;just as the conservative voters in Florida's 24th district rejected Miller. Congressman Miller fell from his 1rst place lead and finished in 3rd place in this week's primary elections after it was widely reported that he supported the McCain Kennedy Amnesty bills : while still head of the National Restaurant Association. ALIPAC hopes that Wisconsin voters will reject Reid Ribble due to his prior record supporting Amnesty for illegal aliens and instead will elect an immigration enforcement candidate like Roger Roth.
A new wave of candidate endorsements will be announced by ALIPAC next week. New candidate surveys are flowing in from candidates across America and these will be posted online as they are received.
ALIPAC is a non partisan, non connected, political action committee dedicated to stopping and reversing illegal immigration in America. More information about Americans for Legal Immigration PAC's candidates, endorsements, and candidate surveys, are available at
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