Friends of ALIPAC and members of the American media,
By now, many of you may have heard that both Fox News and CNN conducted polls in the last thirty days with some surprising results. According to the Fox News poll done via the firm Opinion Dynamics on August 10-11, 2010; a whopping 68% percent of Americans favor "giving illegal immigrants who pay taxes and obey the law a second chance by allowing them to live in the United States"!
Looks like FOX NEWS was following the lead of CNN when they released a poll run by the Opinion Research Corporation on July 16-21, 2010 claiming that 81% percent of Americans favor "creating a program that would allow illegal immigrants already living in the United States for a number of years to stay and apply for US citizenship provided they are employed and payback taxes."
Isn't that amazing everyone? An astounding 68%-81% percent of Americans want illegal aliens to stay and become voters?
Not only are we scoffing at this flagrant abuse of the truth that should be prosecutable as mass fraud, but so are the candidates for public office that have run their own polls in their districts.
These fake polls are the best money can buy and they are designed to confuse you, the candidates, and Congress.
The Open Borders Lobby and Amnesty supporters are using these two bogus polls to encourage illegal aliens to stay in America at a time when many are fleeing. They are also using these polls to lobby Congress and candidates but we have a plan to put a stop to this fraud.
Yet, we cannot underestimate the power of these bogus lies.
Thus, ALIPAC is beginning steps today to destroy these lies in full public view.
The fake polls contradict a poll run by Fox using the very same polling firm Opinion Dynamics run on May 18-19, 2010 that found in question #33 that 61% of Americans believe we need to enforce our existing immigration laws vs. 34% that believe we need to overhaul our laws.
FOX News and Opinion Dynamics might want to give more time between polls before publicizing such direct and contradictory results. We are not sure what kind of nation shattering changes may have occurred that would shift public opinion so dramatically in favor of Amnesty in just two months.
Perhaps the answer is in the announcement between these two polls that Fox News owner and Newscorp CEO Rupert Murdoch now supports Comprehensive Amnesty for illegal aliens?
Fox News Owner Rupert Murdoch Pushes for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
Might this dramatic change possibly explain why FOX NEWS has joined CNN in the mass fraud poll game?
Not only does FOX NEWS polling contradict, but so does a new Zogby International poll out today showing 70% percent of Americans support DEPORTATION for illegal aliens!
In fact, our current collection of polls and surveys on the matter at ALIPAC, which is the top collection of polls on this subject in the nation, has been updated today and now includes more than 50 polls that contradict the claims by FOX and CNN that 68-81% percent of Americans want the illegals to stay!
Take a look and study these results carefully so you will know how Americans really feel about illegal immigration. You must understand clearly that you speak for the majority of Americans and that some of these other polls are lying by trying to cast your view as the minority view.
ALIPAC's Collection of Scientific Polls and Surveys (Link Found on Homepage Top Center)
If we were to believe the false claims by FOX and CNN of mass support for Amnesty for illegal aliens that would allow illegals to become voters thus destroying any hopes of future border security or immigration enforcement in America, however, there are some major problems with this logic.
Let's assume for argument's sake that American citizens are really that dumb.
This would mean that 70% percent of Americans support deportation (August 20-23, 2010 ZOGBY International Poll), but not for the illegal aliens currently in the US who can pay taxes, a fine and stay. This would mean that 69% of Texans and over 60% of all Americans want an Arizona style law in their state (Rasmussen Reports, July 2010), but not for the illegal aliens already here to be affected by it. It would mean that 70% of Americans favor sanctions on employers that hire illegals (Rasmussen Reports, June 2010), but not for the ones currently hiring illegals which can pay a fine, taxes, and become legal.
It would mean that while 80% percent of U.S. voters oppose proposals for government-backed health-care plans for illegal immigrants (Rasmussen Reports poll, June, 2009), 77% of American adults are opposed to making drivers licenses available to people who are in the country illegally (November 2007, Rasmussen Reports), and 81% oppose in-state tuition for illegals (Civitas Poll, NC, 2005), that 68-81% of Americans favor allowing illegals to stay, have healthcare benefits, licenses, and in-state tuition.
These wild conflicting numbers just DO NOT ADD UP!
ALIPAC is so confident that we are right and these new claims by FOX and CNN are wrong, that we are going to recreate the polls they ran. If for any reason ALIPAC's new polls should show that 70-80% of Americans want the illegals to stay, we will give full and public consideration to disbanding ALIPAC.
We will make that wager here and now because we know we are right.
For now, we are updating our collection of scientific polls and we will be sending accurate polling information to every federal candidate in America.
We want every ALIPAC supporter to know the truth and be confident as activists in that truth.
We will make an announcement soon about how we intend to reproduce the CNN and Fox News polls and put the raw data results on public display online and circulate them to the nation via national press release.
It is time for these fraudsters who are using their mega wealth and influence to conduct this mass fraud upon the American public to know that the the truth has more power than lies and that we are well equipped and prepared to get the truth to the American public.
The current federal laws, and requirements of the US Constitution, combined with more than 60% percent of Americans want the illegal aliens to go home. They are already going home in large numbers, and that is how it is going to be in America.
William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team