Thanks to those of you who responded quickly to yesterday's email, we are now within $1,000 of having the funds we need to launch our mailer to our previous donors. We now have only 22 days to save ALIPAC's national fight against illegal immigration and we have another 1k to raise, and if everyone tries to chip in at least $10 at this link, we can clear that important hurdle... If you are a prior contributor to ALIPAC who has not sent in your support for 2019 yet, please try to send in at least $25 for the year. If you are a prior donor and you withholding your support for ALIPAC for a reason, we should know about, or if there is anything we can do better on your behalf in the national fight against illegal immigration & Amnesty, please email your thoughts and concerns to To make sure we receive your yearly donation in time, please mail to ALIPAC, PO Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622 Or use our upgraded and improved secure contributions page, which allows you to give through Paypal, Paypal backed credit and debit card transactions, or non-Paypal means as you prefer at... If you are one of the 90% of people who thankfully have joined our alerts and receive them but never donate, please consider making 2019 the year you step in to help those of us who are committing our time and funds to unify Americans of all races, states, and walks of life to defend our nation from this billionaire sponsored invasion. While everyone can afford to do at least $10, we ask you try to do $25 per year at... I hope to hear from many new and past donors soon! William Gheen Americans for Legal Immigration PAC Donate Now and then share this call to action on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) ..(GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE)  | | | |
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