ALIPAC Endorses Pete D'Abrosca (R) for NC Congress District 7 For National Release | October 7, 2019  Share & Discuss this endorsement by email and on (ALIPAC HERE) .. (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is endorsing GOP Primary Challenger Pete D'Abrosca for Congress today in his race against illegal alien Amnesty supporting incumbent David Rouzer in North Carolina's 7th district Rep. David Rouzer is on ALIPAC's "Cantor List" because of his support for Amnesty for illegal immigrants. Rouzer lobbied in support of Amnesty legislation in DC before running for Congress. Pete D'Abrosca is a former Senior Reporter at Big League Politics, and his campaign has made a clear contrast for North Carolina voters by making illegal immigration a top campaign issue. D'Abrosca has released an ambitious plan to submit legislation in DC which would put a moratorium on all immigration, legal and illegal, for ten years! (View Release) "My plan is to introduce flagship legislation in Washington, D.C., to put a complete moratorium on immigration to the United States – legal and illegal – for a period of 10 years," D'Abrosca said. "America must restore law and order, and implement a sane immigration policy. That can only be accomplished by halting the flow of immigrants in the short term. I will also introduce legislation to build a wall along the Southern border, end chain migration, end birthright citizenship, and deport as many of the 22 million plus illegal aliens residing in the United States as possible." Pete D'Abrosca has completed ALIPAC's 2020 Federal Candidate survey (View) where he promises to OPPOSE more green cards for imported workers from India and China found in H.B. 1044/S. 386, to OPPOSE New Temporary Protective Status (TPS) Amnesty for Venezuelans, to OPPOSE Amnesty legislation for millions of illegal immigrants like H.B. 6, and to OPPOSE DACA Amnesty protections from deportation and work permits for more than 800,000 illegals. "North Carolina voters have a clear choice between a corrupt incumbent DC insider like David Rouzer, who supports mass Amnesty and voting rights for millions of illegals, and Pete D'Abrosca, who wants to carry a clear message to DC that Americans want our borders and immigration secured and controlled!" said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. Pete D'Abrosca's campaign is being added to ALIPAC's standing endorsements page (View), and our national network of activists are being asked to contribute to, volunteer for, and vote for Pete D'Abrosca for Congress. (Visit Website) For more information about which 2020 federal candidates support or oppose Amnesty for illegal immigrants, and how federal campaigns are mounting pressure to stop Amnesty legislation in DC, please visit and support ### | | | |
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