Nineteen GOP incumbents have opted to step away from the national battle and retire while some Republican strategists fear a huge wipe out in 2020! If this happens, on top of the 2020 census and subsequent political redistricting, illegal alien supporting Democrats could take permanent control of many states like North Carolina. Help ALIPAC fight to avoid this national disaster before the new Nov 3 deadline at... Taking political control on top of a census year will give open-borders Democrats the power to draw Republicans out of existence like what happened in California in 2010! At ALIPAC, we understand the three main components that could lead to such a national victory for illegal aliens and their Democrat backers... GOP incumbents alienating their base through support for Amnesty, no real efforts made to curtail Silicon Valley censorship of conservatives, Republicans, Trump voters, and non-socialists, and widespread voting by non-citizens and illegal aliens are poised to create the perfect political storm in 2020! We must press through and fight like never before to make stopping and reversing illegal immigration without Amnesty the top campaign issue of 2020! Please help us do that at... We need more friends in Congress, not less, and that is why ALIPAC is extending our fundraising deadline to Midnight this Sunday, Oct. 3 to give you a chance to support our fight! That gives you only 5 days to mail your contribution in to ALIPAC, PO Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622, or to contribute $100 or more via our secure online donations page at... | | | |
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