Trump Caves Again on Deportation Promises To Pursue Amnesty Deals with Dems For National Release | June 22, 2019  Share & Discuss this release and meme on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE) Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) was the only national news source to accurately predict that President Trump's latest threat to deport millions of illegal aliens was another lie and a tactic to pressure Democrats to agree to a legislative Amnesty deal for millions of illegal immigrants and has been proven correct by today's headlines detailing Trump's reversal on deportations. ALIPAC is now warning as many Americans as possible that only Trump voters rising up and pressuring the President away from signing another Amnesty for illegals into law can save their own influence in future US elections from being permanently displaced by millions of illegal immigrants given a pathway to the ballot box in the next two weeks. Four days ago, the mainstream and alternative news sources were abuzz with Trump's announcement he would start mass deporting illegal immigrants starting tomorrow on Sunday, June 23. ALIPAC put out an immediate press release accurately refuting Trump's claims titled "Trump's new threat to deport millions of illegals Likely a Lie" (View Here) The release pointed out that ALIPAC is already tracking more than 10 lies from Trump on the immigration issues that elected him (View List) and that Trump already told this same lie to America many times before during his campaign in 2016. ALIPAC's press release was treated with silence by the mainstream media and conservative news sources such as Breitbart News, World Net Daily, Daily Caller, and Drudge Report while many Trump supporters accused ALIPAC of lying about Trump on social media. (View Here) Now the media is confirming that ALIPAC's prediction was correct! Trump lied again and has announced a two-week delay in his fake deportation ploy in an effort to pressure Democrats to come up with legislative Amnesty for illegals that will grant them reprieve from the current immigration laws of the United States which require their deportation. "Trump already broke his promise to mass deport illegals and many other important promises. Why should anyone believe him now?" asked William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "Instead of deporting illegals, fining employers, and deporting illegals as he promised, Trump has focused on working to pass Amnesty legislation with his lifelong Democrat son-in-law and Sr. White House advisor Jared Kushner. Obama secured the border, deported illegals, and fined employers more than Trump, unfortunately for us all!" ALIPAC has been fighting hard to warn Trump voters of the Trump-Kushner-Graham-Durbin Amnesty trick afoot in which Republicans talk about tough legislation on border security only to sneak Amnesty into the bill at the last minute where Donald J Trump has signaled he will sign it. Many Trump supporters have no idea this is happening, and they refuse to believe that Trump would ever sign such an amnesty deal since Trump's numerous lies and posturing has caused mass confusion among his remaining base. Recent news reports indicated that the Trump administration has fined fewer employers of illegals than Obama, with only 11 fined last year, which follows reports Trump's hotels and golf courses have continued to hire illegals long after he became President. Obama's deportation numbers were higher than Trump's as well, and fewer illegal immigrants entered America yearly under Obama than the new historic levels being assisted into America by the Trump administrations Border Patrol and DHS resources. ALIPAC is racing to inform Trump voters about how Donald J. Trump has betrayed them all and seeks to displace millions of them in future US elections, with illegal immigrants converted into Democrat voters by the Trump-Kushner-Graham-Schumer Amnesty plot of 2019. For more information about the effort to stop Trump from signing a new sneaky Amnesty bill like the one he signed in the secretive budget bill HJ Res 31 on February 15, 2019, please visit ### If you are willing to help ALIPAC try to stop Amnesty legislation in DC for an 11th time in the next two weeks, please help us at this link... | | | |
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