We are about to test if our freedoms of speech and assembly still can be practiced in America tomorrow. We have 12 great speakers and lots of press coming. Please attend in DC with American flags and appropriate signs and if you can't be with us on the ground please watch the live stream links detailed in this release and share those online! We are going in! Please back us up and share this release far and wide! ----- Rally Against illegal immigration & Amnesty at White House Sat June 8 For National Release | June 7, 2019  Share & Discuss this event by email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) . (ALIPAC HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) (Washington, DC) Activists and guest speakers from across America will demonstrate against illegal immigration and Amnesty legislation near the White House in the southwest corner of Lafayette Square this Saturday, June 8 from 11am to 4pm. Several major news outlets plan to attend and Couy Griffin and Leo Portugal of Cowboys for Trump plan to ride horses into DC and over the memorial bridge to arrive at the event between 11-12 noon. Only racially inclusive peaceful organizations and activists are invited along with members of the media and public. Americans of many races and walks of life are working together to pressure lawmakers to stop Amnesty and illegal immigration on June 8. Rally speeches will be recorded and released at a later date and organizers hope to live stream the entire event on the Facebook pages of Raymond Herrera of We The People, America (View LiveSTREAM HERE) and William Gheen, President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, (View LiveStream HERE) starting at 11:10am Saturday, June 8. Supporters are encouraged to watch the event from home and share the live streams with others during and after the broadcast. The Stand Up America and Stop Illegal Immigration Rally will call on lawmakers in Congress and the White House to stop trying to pass legislative Amnesty for illegal immigrants and bring the current unprecedented flow of fake asylum seeking illegals at our border to a stop. Stopping DACA Amnesty, Dream Act Amnesty bill HR 6, Catch and Release Presidential policies, birthright citizenship, fake asylum seeker claims, drug smuggling, de facto Amnesty, ballot access, work permits, and taxpayer flights for undocumented immigrants will be addressed along with other grievances. Articles about illegal immigration written by best selling author Ann Coulter and Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review will be read at the podium to accompany the distinctive speeches of the speakers listed below. The current speaker list for the event includes, but is not limited to: Raymond Herrera and Wes Parker of We The People, America William Gheen of ALIPAC Ivan Garcia-Hidalgo of the Hispanic Leadership Council Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers Angel Family member Jeanne Reid, whose brother was killed by an illegal alien Hessie Harris & Shakil Hamid of Help Save Maryland Johsie Cruz Candidate for Congress (R-GA/4) & Latinos for Trump of Georgia Carlos Alfredo Torres Latinos for Trump of Georgia Couy Griffin and Leo Portugal of Cowboys for Trump Virginia Kreiger of Angel Families "While presiding over the largest drug epidemic in U.S. history, members of our leadership continue to support, protect and enable the Mexican drug cartels, human traffickers, criminal gangs and criminal illegal aliens that are killing approximately 50,000 of our children every single year. The primary duty of our governance is the protection and security of the people, in this respect our leadership has failed miserably," said Virginia Kreiger of Angel Families. "The goal of those who seek open borders and universal amnesty is the disenfranchisement, displacement, and replacement of American citizens. We will never surrender our religion, identity, country, traditions, heritage or history," said Hessie Harris of Help Save Maryland. "I am a Trump supporter. But I have a duty, under my oath to speak out. President Trump is NOT utilizing his power as Commander-in-Chief to secure the border. For just one example, he could federalize the New Mexico National Guard and deploy them back to the border now that the leftist Governor of New Mexico has pulled them off. Why hasn't he done that?" said Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers. Rhodes added, "And he can also deploy the regular US military to the border, in strength, to actually seal it between ports of entry. By failing to use his powers as Commander-in-Chief, he is failing in his duty to defend this nation and to see that the laws as faithfully executed. He can't blame that on Congress or the courts. He hasn't even tried." Americans who oppose illegal immigration and legislative Amnesty for illegals like the Dream Act Amnesty HR 6 which passed the House this week are encouraged to attend and bring American flags and appropriate signs. For more information about the Stand Up America and Stop Illegal Immigration protest in DC at the White House on June 8, or to schedule interviews with guest speakers, please visit www.ALIPAC.us ### | | | | |
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