Share this warning to help organize Trump voters against the President signing Amnesty legislation that will wipe out millions of his own base voters at (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE) Today's tweet by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (R-CA) confirms ALIPAC's accurate predictions and reports that Trump's most recent lie about mass deporting illegals is part of a plot to pass Amnesty legislation for millions of illegals. (Review ALIPAC Report 1 Here) and (Review ALIPAC Report 2 Here) In response to Trump's Cave on mass deportation threats to pursue Amnesty deals, Pelosi Tweets: "Mr. President, delay is welcome. Time is needed for comprehensive immigration reform. Families belong together." (Review and respond at the source HERE) Many Trump voters do not realize that the words immigration reform and Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) mean AMNESTY FOR MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS, but ALIPAC is working to educate as many of them as possible rapidly. Trump voters making their continued support contingent upon the President not signing any Amnesty deals for illegals with Democrats is the only hope we have of stopping the globalist Amnesty agenda in 2019, and at the time of this email, we are on course to lose this fight and lose the country. It is up to you to help us turn it around in the next few days. The US Senate is more than 80% likely to pass this Amnesty deal to Trump's desk, and the Democrats have already passed these Amnesty bills out of the US House two weeks ago. While many Trump voters are still oblivious or in denial about Trump's intention to sign a bill that will permanently displace millions of Trump voters in future US elections, ALIPAC is working hard to educate and organize Trump voters against the Trump-Kushner-Graham-Pelosi-Schumer Amnesty deal! Whether the globalist backed Amnesty plans the elites have been trying to pass into law for 15 years will finally succeed in the next two weeks or not will most likely be decided by how many Trump voters give Trump a pass or remain in the dark verses how many stand up and speak out in the next 72 hours! If Trump's reelection campaign polling data tells him he can sign Amnesty and get away with it; he probably will do so. We only have a few days to inform, organize, and mobilize Trump voters to save themselves from Trump signing another Amnesty bill! | | | |
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