Friends of ALIPAC, We are glad to report that the major votes on the Dream Amnesty bill in the US Senate has been pushed back again to Monday of next week. This extra time slightly increases our chances of defeating Amnesty. Senator Reid plans to push the version of the bill that just passed the House. The bad news is that I estimate this Amnesty has about a 65% chance (at this moment) of making it to President Obama's desk, although I hope to be wrong and will do all in my power to stop Amnesty. The Republicans are filibustering on the Dream Amnesty for now to get what they want in the government budget and tax breaks for Americans making over $250,000 per year. They are signaling that they are willing to help pass Amnesty if Obama, Reid, and Pelosi give them what they want. The GOP leadership in the Senate is not fighting to defeat or destroy Dream Amnesty. Many of them are simply pushing back the vote to increase the price tag on their Cloture votes. In back rooms and hallways, the offers to Republicans in the form of legislation they want, funding for their districts, funds for their campaigns, and probably things that will help their personal wealth rise are being offered. There are more than enough RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) who are willing to defy the national GOP Platform to pass Dream Amnesty. The most likely scenario is that Republicans will keep pushing back the vote on Dream Amnesty. Then, just before they adjourn a few Republicans will suddenly defect to the side of the Democrats and vote Yes on Cloture to let the bill proceed to a vote. Then many of them will turn around and vote against the Amnesty bill, but it will earn over 50 votes and pass. The shifty ones will then exclaim they voted against Amnesty, when in fact they voted to pass it. They will likely send over Republican Senators who are not up for reelection in 2012 that are in states they feel they can easily reelected a GOP traitor. After all, the election results from AZ and NV told Senators there is no need for them to listen to their constituents on immigration issues. You can betray your constituents like McCain and Reid and still be elected to the US Senate is the example that has been set! This will be much easier for them to do considering the major media black out. While Fox News has reports about Dream Amnesty votes on their website they are NOT broadcasting content or notice of these votes. I personally had Fox News on in the background for over 4 hours today and heard no mention of the impending vote in the Senate nor the historic passage of the Dream Act Amnesty in the House last night. The Drudge Report also took a dive and had no news contents warning conservative readers of the impending amnesty votes. Who knows how much Matt Drudge was paid with Saudi money flooding DC to lay down, but there was nothing there. This is very unfortunate for us because most of our allies in talk radio have become addicted to the ease of getting their daily news stories for their shows from the Drudge Report news aggregation service! So between Fox News and Drudge Report blacking this story out, and Lou Dobbs now being a turn coat Amnesty supporter and being off of CNN, most of America has no idea that this is even happening. The American public is not informed enough or agitated enough for us to stop this Amnesty push in my opinion and the communication channels necessary to alert them are being disrupted. Pundits continue to assure English speaking conservative audiences that there is no reason for alarm or concern and that these votes on the Dream Act Amnesty are merely symbolic and have no chance of passage. This is pure propaganda designed to keep the patient calm and docile, while major surgery takes place on lady America,while she sleeps. Please remember that while the Tea Party groups fought against the unpopular health-care legislation, that 2 out of 3 Americans opposed, Congressman Luis Gutierrez assured his awaiting illegal alien troops to rest easy because the passage of the health-care bill was the practice run for Amnesty. They have our communications choked off and a media blackout or brown out in place. Dream Amnesty activists are practicing a high degree of aggression towards groups like ALIPAC. English speaking audiences are being pacified with lies, and the amount of political theater taking place speaks to the danger level. Please continue your calls to the house and the Senate. Please continue sending in your much needed donations and please continue to rally the Americans around you. We will fight with all we have and we will pray that it is God's will that we prevail in a nation, where so many bad things have flourished. More info will be sent to you soon. Yours in the cause, William Gheen President, Americans For Legal Immigration PAC
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