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Friends of ALIPAC,
We wanted to get this e-mail to our over 35,000 national supporters this weekend because we have little time to spare.
We are about to decide what ALIPAC can or cannot do to help affect the outcome of the very important US Senate race in Arizona. There are many things we could attempt to do. Some might just help swing a few votes away from John McCain, while other methods might be much more decisive.
We cannot proceed to these decisions because our base budget funds drive is still in progress.
Our immediate problem is that we have just reached the half way mark of our funds drive, which ends on August 10th, but we have raised less than half of what we need to continue the basic operations of ALIPAC.
Right now we should be at $15,000 of $30,000 raised but we are only at $8,200!
We want to go after amnesty supporting John McCain with all we can do. The McCain camp and his open borders supporters are pulling every dirty trick in the book, including supporting a spoiler candidate and releasing fake polls that are meant to deceive the nation.
The truth is that J. D. Hayworth is within striking distance, about 10% points, of unseating John McCain and a John McCain loss would throw the entire illegal immigration and amnesty supporter's plans into chaos!
ALIPAC has become one of the nation's largest grass roots organization's fighting for you on these issues, yet we have one of the smallest and most efficient budgets, the smallest number of paid positions, and the lowest salaries of any national group in this fight.
We depend on your support to prevail.
Please help us get our base budget funds drive back on track ASAP by making a donation of any amount today.
If everyone will try to give something, even if it is only $10 via our secure online donations page at this link....
For those of you who can afford higher level donations of $100, $250, or $500 we need your help.
For those that prefer to mail your contribution, we are at...
ALIPAC PO Box 30966 Raleigh, NC 27622
We need the many thousands of you reading this message right now to decide, if you are truly in the fight against illegal immigration with us or not and take action today.
Please realize that we can either be fully funded and functional doing what we are designed to do, which is to help increase the chances John McCain will be defeated by J. D. Hayworth, or we can spend half our time begging for donations to sustain our minimal operations.
We have until Monday at Noon to have our base budget funds drive back on track before tough decisions will be made about what we can or cannot do on your behalf in the national fight to stop amnesty, stop illegal immigration, and get more illegal aliens running for home!
The choice is up to you, so please take action now...
William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team AMERICANS FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION PAC Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966 Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864 FEC ID: C00405878
PS: ALIPAC's 4th largest supporter base is in Arizona and we have done all we can to support Arizona, defend Arizona, and spread SB 1070 to other states, while remaining true to our organizations core principles and pledges. If you support Arizona and appreciate our efforts, then please donate today.
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