Thursday, December 30, 2010

Opportunity to stop and reverse illegal immigration at hand

Friends of ALIPAC,

Thanks to your sacrifices and hard work, we now have a real opportunity to go on political offense against illegal immigration and those responsible for the non enforcement of America's existing border and immigration laws.

Many of you have risen up with your time and energy to defend America. Now, we need you to be more proactive and plan to take action with us when we are not playing deep defense!

We have a real opportunity to pass Arizona-style legislation in many states in 2011, while we pass new laws in Congress and pressure the Executive Branch to do its job. We have an opportunity to prepare the way for more victories in the 2012 elections.

Our opposition speaks boldly, but in truth they are demoralized, shattered, and in retreat.

A pathway to restoring the Rule of Law and Constitutional governance is within our grasp now, and the pathway out of America is looking more attractive to illegal aliens every day now that the tide has turned.

Please rally your fellow Americans to quickly join our e-mail alerts at to marshal our activists and muster our people for a political advance that will be launched right after New Year's!


William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

PS: NEW RECORD! Thanks to the links you have posted to and your regular visits to our website, we have just set a new monthly web traffic record! More people visited ALIPAC in December 2010 than ever before. At the time of this e-mail, a new monthly record of over 5,428,869 pages of our website have been viewed this month! Statistics for our website also indicate we are on a new upward demand trend so please keep up the great work and visit us often!

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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Very Special Christmas Present from ALIPAC

Friends of ALIPAC,

The Dream Act Amnesty is dead for 2010 and the Senate and House have adjourned leaving Obama crying at the podium about his "greatest disappointment"!

Now that the legislative coast is clear we can all go about spending time with our families who have shared in the sacrifices that those of us fighting to save America have made.

ALIPAC's strong role in the defeat of the Dream Act Amnesty has now been well documented in the desperate speech given by the bill's primary sponsor, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL)

We know, from Durbin's comments on the Senate floor, that ALIPAC's strategy in the final days before the vote struck a solid blow against Dream Act Amnesty. Our release and activist calls pointing out the sneaky mass amnesty waiver in the bill emboldened opponents of the legislation, while putting supporters on the run!

Those of you calling Senate offices like we asked you to with this information, could hear the panic in the voices of staffers in the offices supporting Dream Amnesty when you confronted them with the waiver!

So this Christmas, let's all raise a glass and make a hearty toast to our ALIPAC activists and supporters who just delivered Obama's "greatest disappointment".

Obama, we are disappointed with you as well and your efforts to destroy the borders of the United States via mass Amnesty passed under the guise of benefiting innocent children!

We are glad to see the National Council of La Raza, Media Matters, and a host of other pro-invasion groups crying and spitting political venom at their recent loss. Americans have cause to celebrate, while illegal alien supporters plan their retreat!

While Obama and Reid are trying to maintain morale amongst their illegal alien supporters, with strong talk of passing Dream Act Amnesty in 2011, ALIPAC intends to make 2011 a YEAR OF ENFORCEMENT.

We will release our plans for 2011 soon and you are really going to like this much more than playing desperate defense in reaction to the Globalists.

Be warned though, both Republican Senator Mitch McConnel who plans to lead the Republican majority in the Senate and Congressman John Boehner who plans to be speaker under the Republicans support the Globalist Amnesty plans.

That's right, McConnel and Boehner are both in the bag for the Globalists. McConnel recently stated he wants Republicans to try and pass the Dream Act Amnesty in 2011.

And Congressman John Boehner told me face to face, at an event in Raleigh two years ago, that he supported a Guest Worker Amnesty for illegal aliens. I told him, if they passed that there would be an "America riot' on their hands!

We have already started the 2012 election process at ALIPAC and we have a new agenda ready for 2011 that will be released soon.

Until then, our homepage updates at ALIPAC and other activism efforts are being briefly mothballed through New Year's Day, unless something major happens that we need to respond to and inform you about.

The exodus of illegal aliens out of America, already documented by Homeland Security, the US Census Department, Center for Immigration Studies, and the Pew Hispanic Center, is about to escalate in 2011 as we put the illegal aliens and their supporters on the run at both the state and federal level.

The Dream Act Amnesty supporters know what just happened was the tipping point and it did not go their way.

They put everything they had into winning Amnesty and they lost, and now it is time for the Americans to advance on the invaders!

We have been taking names and the political revolution continues full steam ahead into 2011!

Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful American supporters!

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878

PS: Please send friends and relatives our way over the holiday break and encourage them to sign up for our email alerts at We need your help to build up our strength for the challenges ahead in 2011!


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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Year End Message from Dan Stein

Federation for American Immigration Reform

Federation for American Immigration Reform

On behalf of everyone here at FAIR, please accept our very best wishes for a happy holiday season to you, your family and loved ones.

This has been a challenging but productive and successful year, and we are already preparing for Congress' return in January. As we usher in 2011, we can be very proud of the many accomplishments that we achieved together during the past year - accomplishments that would not have been possible without your generous support. See FAIR's President Dan Stein's holiday message below.

dan stein video

We are sure that the New Year will bring new challenges and opportunities for us to fight the FAIR fight on Capitol Hill, in the media, and all across the nation for true immigration reform. We encourage you to continue to visit our Web site and refer to it as your main online source for the latest news about the ongoing effort towards true immigration reform.

We also want to remind you that you can follow us on Facebook, on Twitter, Myspace and on the Stein Report, where you will find the very latest about what is happening with the immigration issue not just in Washington, but also in your own backyard.

Thank you for your enthusiasm and support for the FAIR fight for common sense immigration reform and best wishes for a wonderful holiday filled with family and friends, laughter, love, peace and happiness.

Federation for American Immigration Reform

Don't Forget to Forward to a Friend and let them know you support immigration reform!

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There is still time to make your year-end, tax-deductible, donation!

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BBB Wise Giving)

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For more information,
visit us on the web at or
contact us by phone
at 202 328 7004.

FAIR is a non-partisan, non-discriminatory non-profit organization dedicated to securing our borders, ending illegal immigration and promoting immigration levels consistent with the national interest. FAIR relies solely on the tax-deductible contributions of citizens and philanthropic foundations. Update your email preferences here.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

ALIPAC Press Release Angers Dream Amnesty Sponsor

Friends of ALIPAC,

We are pleased to report that our strategies played a crucial role in the recent defeat of the Dream Act Amnesty as you can see by the comments of the bill's primary sponsor Dick Durbin.

Please read and circulate our national press release today.

ALIPAC Press Release Angers Dream Amnesty Sponsor

We remain on guard for any further dirty tricks out of DC.

If you are pleased with ALIPAC's success helping defeat the Dream Act Amnesty for a seventh time and angering Senator Dick Durbin, please consider one final donation to help fund our future efforts.

ALIPAC's Secure Online and Mail Donations Page

Merry Christmas to our American supporters!


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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622

Monday, December 20, 2010

Senate Rejects DREAM Act

Legislative Update

FOR THE WEEK OF December 20, 2010 

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Senate Rejects DREAM Act

email imageThis weekend, the United States Senate voted down the House version of the DREAM Act, H.R.5281. The vote was on a cloture motion to end debate on the bill, a motion that requires 60 votes to pass. Amnesty advocates, however, came up five votes short and the bill went down, 55-41.

Read the full article

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ICE Busts Mexican Drug Cartel in D.C.

email imageNine illegal aliens were indicted and charged last week for engaging in a massive drug distribution ring in the nation’s capital.  All nine defendants illegally entered the U.S. from Mexico, where they reportedly have ties with the notoriously violent drug cartel known as “La Familia.” (Id.) This year alone La Familia, a cartel known to specialize in exporting drugs to the United States, has killed 20 Mexican federal agents and military officers in drug-related attacks.  One senior federal immigration official described La Familia as an “extremely violent” cartel that “won't sell to their own Mexican citizens."

Read the full article

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Border Patrol Agent Killed While Protecting Illegal Aliens

email imageA group of bandits in Rio Rico, Arizona (10 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border) fatally shot Border Patrol agent and former U.S. Marine Brian A. Terry last Tuesday evening. Terry, who had been an agent since 2007, was caught in the cross-fire while trying to protect illegal aliens from bandits who rob and sexually abuse them as they cross the border. (Id.) Four suspects were apprehended in relation to the shooting, including Manuel Arianes, a 34-year old Mexican national who was convicted in 2006 for assault on a Maricopa County police officer and had been ordered to be deported twice back to Mexico.

Read the full article

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New Research from FAIR

Refugee and Asylum Policy Reform
November 2010

Immigration and the 2010 Midterm Elections
November 2010

Immigration and National Security: 2010 Update
September 2010



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