A new study finds that America's self destructive immigration policies ALIPAC is fighting are on the verge of transferring 26 Congressional seats to socialist blue states! (View Report Here) Please take a moment TODAY to contact your state governor by phone and then follow up in written form to say: "Do not consent to any refugee resettlements in our state! These programs are dangerous, and Americans do not want our states and communities impacted by these programs." Three state governors deserve your ire today. Please contact them in a professional yet angry way. Remember that any foul language or inappropriate posturing will backfire and hurt your message. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS FROM ALL 50 STATES TO MAKE THESE THREE CALLS! Governor 1: North Carolina Contact North Carolina Democrat Governor Roy Cooper by phone and in writing -- North Carolina Office of the Governor, 20301 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-0301 (919) 814-2000 -- to say... "Shame on Governor Cooper for vetoing Senate Bill 250 to protect non-citizen voters who are stealing American votes and committing felonious election fraud for Democrats in North Carolina. Voters will remember Roy Cooper's support for illegal aliens and voter fraud in November 2020!" (View details & source HERE) Additional Contact Options https://www.facebook.com/NCgovernor/ https://twitter.com/roycoopernc Governor 2: South Dakota Contact South Dakota Republican globalist Governor Kristi Noem by phone and in writing -- Office of the Governor 500 East Capitol Avenue Pierre, S.D. 57501 605.773.3212 -- to say: "Shame on Governor Kristi Noem for aiding Democrats and foreign powers by making American weaker and less secure by asking for dangerous refugees to be resettled in South Dakota. American citizens are sick and tired of having so many non-citizens thrust into our communities, and voters will remember Governor Kristi Noem's support for dangerous refugee resettlement programs in the elections." (View details & source HERE) Additional Contact Options https://www.facebook.com/kristiforgovernor/ https://twitter.com/KristiNoem Governor 3: Tennessee Contact Tennessee Republican globalist Governor Bill Lee by phone and in writing -- 1st Floor, State Capitol Nashville, TN 37243 615 741-2001 -- to rebuke his decision to accept more dangerous refugees into his state despite massive public opposition in TN. "Shame on Governor Bill Lee for asking for more dangerous refugees to be imported into Tennessee, destabilizing local communities and adding to our nation's terrorism risk level. The people of America are tired of being forced to pay for and house refugees and non-citizens, and Governor Lee is going to be remembered for this treachery in future elections." (details & sourcing) Additional Contact Options https://www.facebook.com/BillLeeTN/ https://twitter.com/BillLeeTN Please call your own governor, and these three target states! Many thanks to the ALIPAC Team volunteers who work so hard at ALIPAC.us to make sure this information is placed on our website and ready for use by American activists fighting to stop the immigration vectored weapons being deployed against the innocent citizens of our nation. Very special thanks to those of you taking time away from our holiday to stand with us in these battles. William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team www.alipac.us PS: Help make ALIPAC's voice stronger and louder at-- https://www.alipac.us/donations/ | | | |
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