Conservative Immigration Hawk Joe Walsh May Primary Trump For national release | August 22, 2019  Discuss & Share this release and meme at (ALIPAC HERE) .. (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) President Donald Trump may face a 2020 GOP primary challenge from conservative talk radio show host, prior member of Congress, and anti-illegal immigration candidate endorsed by ALIPAC in 2010, Rep. Joe Walsh. ALIPAC has been calling for a conservative GOP primary challenger to Trump due to Trump's numerous broken campaign promises on immigration issues and as a strategy to stop Trump's efforts this year to pass immigration reform Amnesty for illegals through his life long Democrat son-in-law and surrogate Jared Kushner. Rep. Joe Walsh was endorsed and supported by ALIPAC in 2010 when he first ran for Congress as a successful Tea Party challenger in Illinois's 8th district because his federal candidate survey responses indicated he would uphold America's existing border and immigration laws while opposing Amnesty legislation! (View ALIPAC Survey) When running for Congress, Walsh signed ALIPAC's pledge to... "...oppose any form of Amnesty or path to citizenship for illegal aliens, including Comprehensive Immigration Reform which would turn millions of illegal immigrants into voters, thus destroying future borders of America. I will use the full power of my office, including impeachment if necessary, to insure the Executive Branch secures America's border immediately and begins to adequately enforce the existing immigration and border laws of the United States, which were enacted by Congress at the behest of America's citizenry. I understand that the failure of the Executive Branch to secure our borders and enforce existing immigration laws is depriving;ng all Americans of a Republican form of government and depriving our states of protection from invasion as mandated by the US Constitution. I intend to use the power of Congress to immediately remedy this problem that is costing many Americans their jobs, wages, taxpayer resources, property, security, and sometimes their very lives." Candidate Joe Walsh told ALIPAC in 2010 that he supported Arizona's tough state law SB 1070, deportation for illegal immigrants, and comprehensive immigration enforcement. Video of Rep. Joe Walsh discussing illegal immigration Immigration issue watchdog group NumbersUSA also gave Rep. Joe Walsh an A grade for his positions and votes on immigration matters in Washington. (View NumbersUSA Report Card for Walsh) "Joe Walsh challenging Trump in the GOP primary would be a very welcome and needed campaign because the large numbers of Trump voters who have been highly disappointed by the President's numerous broken campaign promises on illegal immigration issues deserve to have a voice in 2020," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "Joe Walsh could attract and rally the part of Trump's base that no longer believes the President's tough talk on immigration issues." Since taking office, President Trump has broken or failed to fulfill more than ten top campaign promises regarding illegal immigration, which is probably why he keeps announcing hollow promises to end birthright citizenship to try to rally his base. Trump is-- -- failing to secure the border, -- failing to end Obama's DACA Amnesty, -- failing to end birthright citizenship, -- failing to build new miles of border wall, -- failing to oppose Amnesty for illegals, -- failing to oppose legal immigration increases, -- failing to stop illegal alien caravans, -- failing to end catch and release Presidential policies, -- failing to stop sanctuary cities and illegal voters, -- and failing to mass deport illegal immigrants as he promised voters last month, three months ago, and in 2016. ALIPAC originally endorsed Trump, contributed to him, campaigned for him, rallied against Hillary Clinton, voted for Trump and attended Trump's inauguration but had to rescind the group's endorsement after it became clear was breaking his signature campaign promise to end Obama's unconstitutional DACA Amnesty for illegals. (Washington Times: Group Rescinds Endorsement) ALIPAC believes that Rep. Joe Walsh challenging Trump in the 2020 GOP Primary would have the added benefit for American voters of decreasing the chances Trump will sign green card giveaway to China and India bill HB 1044 / S 386 and immigration reform Amnesty legislation Sen. Graham is rallying GOP globalists to join with Democrats to send to Trump's desk this year. ALIPAC will seek information from the Joe Walsh Presidential campaign to determine if his views on illegal immigration and Amnesty remain the same or have changed. For more information about Trump voters who would like to have a conservative choice on the ballot for President in the 2020 GOP and for Trump to return to his campaign promises on immigration, please visit ### | | | |
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