(Reply to this email with your answers to 6 survey questions about the Trump administration)  Vote on our survey then share & discuss at (ALIPAC HERE) .. (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) Friends of ALIPAC, we are making rapid progress on our funds drive, but we still need to raise about $2,000 more by Monday morning to be on track for next week's Protest Against Illegal Immigration at the White House and our efforts to stop the new Amnesty bills in Congress. Please take a moment to complete the survey below and contribute to help us at... https://www.alipac.us/donations/ We know you want us to fight to stop Amnesty legislation in DC for the 11th time since 2004, but we need to know how ALIPAC supporters feel about these Presidential issues.... Survey (Please reply to this email with your answers or send to Alerts@alipac.us) 1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you support President Donald J Trump right now? (1-10)? 2. Do you want ALIPAC fighting against this presidential policy? YES/NO DHS Flying Illegal Aliens to U.S. Cities, Releasing Them into Communities https://www.alipac.us/f12/dhs-flying-illegal-aliens-u-s-cities-releasing-them-into-communities-372755/ 3. Do you want ALIPAC fighting against this presidential policy? YES/NO REPORT: TRUMP ADMINISTRATION ALLOWING TOURIST VISAS FOR ELDERLY MEXICANS TO VISIT UNDOCUMENTED FAMILY IN US https://www.alipac.us/f12/trump-allowing-tourist-visas-elderly-mexicans-visit-undocumented-family-us-372751/ 4. Do you want ALIPAC fighting against this presidential policy? YES/NO DHS Fast-Tracks Migrants Straight into Jobs https://www.alipac.us/f9/dhs-fast-tracks-migrants-straight-into-jobs-372747/ 5. Do you want ALIPAC fighting against this presidential policy? YES/NO 100% of illegal immigrant families released into US by Pres Donald J Trump https://www.alipac.us/f9/100%25-illegal-immigrant-families-released-into-us-pres-donald-j-trump-372645/ 6. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much pressure do you want ALIPAC to put on the White House to stop these policies that favor, encourage, and facilitate illegal immigration? (1-10)? ALIPAC is doing all we can to stop the unprecedented historic surge of illegal aliens over our borders, which is higher than ever before under President Trump. More Americans are losing elections, jobs, loved ones, and their own lives than ever before in 2019. Sen Lindsey Graham and Democrat White House Sr Advisor to Trump Jared Kushner plan to get the Amnesty bills into law. We need your help to stop them. We need your support to fight back as best we can with the truth. Please help our efforts at... https://www.alipac.us/donations/ The ALIPAC Team www.alipac.us | | | |
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