We need all ALIPAC volunteer activists on the phones today! Kushner, Pelosi, and Schumer plan to roll the next Amnesty deal bill for illegal aliens out in 6 days on March 12 as you can see from our press release (and the blue sourcing links within) below! This time we are telling Congress a much more serious message we hope you are ready and willing to carry forth. "Representing foreign nationals illegally in the US to try to pass Amnesty through bills like HR 6 is taxation without representation for US citizens. I'm calling on Rep/Senator ___________ to represent US citizens by opposing HR 6 Dream Act Amnesty for illegal aliens." The Democrats won't listen so focus your calls on all GOP lawmakers in the House first using phone and fax numbers found at-- https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials/ ------ PRESS RELEASE AND MEME TO SHARE ---------------- PAC Rallies Nation Against Kushner & Pelosi Immigration Reform Amnesty Deal For National Release | March 5, 2019  Call Congress then rally others by email and on (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (TWITTER HERE) .. (GAB HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE) Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is sounding the national alarm to mobilize Americans who overwhelmingly oppose any form of Amnesty for illegal immigrants against the new immigration reform legislation crafted by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, Democrat leaders Pelosi and Schumer, and left-leaning Republicans, which is expected by March 12. Roll Call magazine reported on February 28 that California Democrat Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard plans to bring back the Dream Act Amnesty legislation on March 12, and Speaker Pelosi has reserved the title HR 6 for the legislation. This Dream Act / DACA Amnesty legislation is expected to offer Amnesty, jobs, access to benefits, citizenship, and voting rights to millions of illegal immigrants willing to claim they were brought to America as minors. This new bill emerges as the White House deploys Trump's Democrat son-in-law Jared Kushner to negotiate new Amnesty legislation with Amnesty backing groups such as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, US Chamber of Commerce, George W. Bush Center, Soros backed LULAC, and Koch Brothers front groups like Libre Initiative, Americans for Prosperity, and The Heritage Foundation. "This time we are telling Congress and President Trump that their efforts to represent and accommodate illegal immigrants and their employers with Amnesty constitutes taxation without representation for American citizens," declared William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "Despite bogus polls to the contrary, most Americans oppose Amnesty and want illegals sent home as our current laws and Constitution require and as Trump promised us during his 2016 campaign." ALIPAC activists will begin delivering this message to Congress by calls, emails, faxes, and letters today. It usually takes ALIPAC.us and like-minded organizations a good week or two to notify, rally, and organize Americans into a full pressure campaign against Amnesty legislation. ALIPAC has helped defeat similar Amnesty legislation in DC 10 times since 2004, but recently lost a battle when President Trump and members of Congress snuck an Amnesty provision into the budget bill that was signed into law February 15, 2019, without public consent or knowledge less than 24 hours after being revealed. ALIPAC hopes to prevent this next Kushner organized Amnesty deal from taking place without public knowledge or consent again, because if Americans have enough time to honestly learn what is in the bill, the public will rise up and defeat it again. For more information about ALIPAC's efforts to defeat Amnesty 2019, please visit www.ALIPAC.us ### Please stay in the fight to stop illegal immigration and Amnesty with us! The job or life you save may be your own. | | | |
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